Enhancing Teacher Leadership for Collaborative Networks

Enhancing Teacher Leadership for Collaborative Networks

Blanca Berral-Ortiz, Francisco Javier Hinojo Lucena, Pilar Cáceres Reche, José Antonio Martínez Domingo
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-4812-0.ch009
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Currently, among the new challenges of educational organizations in a technological society, there is a drive towards pedagogical or teacher-centered leadership, which brings together collaborative or networked work capable of responding to emerging challenges. Thus, the purpose of this chapter focuses on analyzing the role of this leadership from a theoretical approach, first determining the main roles and competencies within pedagogical leadership, as well as the challenges of organizations in the current digital era, and second, identifying collaborative networks delimiting their main characteristics and highlighting the importance of personal, emotional leadership to promote sustainable organizations, as one of the fundamental axes, delimited in the 2030 Agenda. Finally, it concludes with contributions for teaching improvement and collaborative networks by determining the key points, such as the need to rethink the current management and leadership, as well as the need to enhance the collaborative networking of the centers.
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Teacher Leadership In The 21St Century

However, authors such as Lorenzo (2005), among others, made a synthesis of all the most outstanding contributions, establishing a greater emphasis on the organisational context and the group where leadership is exercised, as a dynamic function oriented towards the same end, rather than on the person who exercises it, understood as the leader. However, leadership can be developed silently, acting as responsible leaders who work responsibly without the need to draw attention to themselves (Badaracco, 2006).

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