Bhupinder Singh

|Bhupinder Singh - Contributing Author|Full Professor of Law


AI Applications for Clean Energy and Sustainability
Budi Agus Riswandi, Bhupinder Singh, Christian Kaunert, Komal Vig. © 2025. 330 pages.
The global demand for clean energy solutions the urgency of addressing climate change continue to intensify, and as such, the need for innovative approaches becomes increasingly...
Harnessing Sustainable Agriculture Through Climate-Smart Technologies: Artificial Intelligence for Climate Preservation and Futuristic Trends
Bhupinder Singh, Christian Kaunert. © 2024. 26 pages.
Climate-smart technologies emerge as the nexus where sustainable agriculture and AI converge. These technologies encompass a wide array of solutions that harness AI to make...
Evolutionary Global Neuroscience for Cognition and Brain Health: Strengthening Innovation in Brain Science
Bhupinder Singh. © 2024. 27 pages.
The evolutionary foundations of brain development represent point of departure. It delves into the depths of evolutionary history, unveiling the intricate journey that has shaped...
Social Cognition of Incarcerated Women and Children: Addressing Exposure to Infectious Diseases and Legal Outcomes
Bhupinder Singh. © 2024. 16 pages.
Incarceration severely affects the health and well-being of women and their children living inside the jail. Female criminality in India has been a neglected subject of study....
Lensing Legal Dynamics for Examining Responsibility and Deliberation of Generative AI-Tethered Technological Privacy Concerns: Infringements and Use of Personal Data by Nefarious Actors
Bhupinder Singh. © 2024. 22 pages.
The rapid integration of generative AI technology across various domains has brought forth a complex interplay between technological advancements, legal frameworks, and ethical...
Blockchain Technology in Renovating Healthcare: Legal and Future Perspectives
Bhupinder Singh. © 2023. 10 pages.
The positive effect of technology on health care is known as digital transformation. Wearable fitness technology, telemedicine, and AI-enabled medical devices are just a few...