Blockchain Technology in Renovating Healthcare: Legal and Future Perspectives

Blockchain Technology in Renovating Healthcare: Legal and Future Perspectives

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5422-0.ch012
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The positive effect of technology on health care is known as digital transformation. Wearable fitness technology, telemedicine, and AI-enabled medical devices are just a few examples of how health care is undergoing a digital transformation. These are intended to revolutionize the health-care industry by improving patient care, streamlining operations, and lowering costs. They are still facing significant challenges in patient data security and privacy, invoicing and payment processing, medical supply chain, and drug integrity. Blockchain technology can absolve the healthcare industry from facing these challenges; it can establish a blockchain of medical records. Blockchain is considered highly secure, transparent, and immune to hackers due to its digital encryption. This article examined the potential of blockchain technology to improve the security, privacy, and interoperability of healthcare data, and it suggested a few advanced uses of blockchain in the health care domain after a thorough analysis of the existing major challenges in the sector.
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Blockchain technology can transmute public health by placing the patient’s at centre structure for the refining health related data, patient’s privacy and security, interoperability, etc. It provides innovative health information exchange model by creating electronic medical records much effective, dis-intermediated and extra secure. While this new, rapidly changing field is not a panacea, it does provide fertile ground for experimentation, investment, and proof-of-concept tests. (RJ Krawiec et al., 2016, pp. 2-3)

Blockchain is based on simple methodologies, but it is constantly evolving to meet various industries and market demands. The Blockchain is built on the foundation of distributed accounts that contain data or transactions. A block is designed and it is added to the chain of previous blocks, including a gigantic structure in which transactions are made, and information is easily fed and accessed at any time. Over time, more and more businesses are implementing Blockchain technology in one form or another. Blockchain is used for digital storage and is involved in software programs, just like it is in the IT industry, so Blockchain developers are highly valued. The primary benefit of Blockchain technology in terms of drug traceability is its security. Every transaction associated with a block will be both fair and timely. (McGhin, T., et al., 2019, pp. 62-75)

Blockchain has integrated characteristics like- a scattered ledger, decentralised space, authentic, immutability also genuine uses in fields including matters belong to public health. Due to rigorous legal constraints, the use of blockchain technology in the wider industry of healthcare frequently necessitate rigorous validation, and data distribution necessities. Based on existing blockchain technology, academic scholars and corporates started the study, which provide the solutions geared concerning health-care applications include- “smart contracts, fraud detection and identity verification”. Even though the much development in the field of health and blockchain technology, but it has own flaws and issues concerned with mining incentives & attacks and vital management, which must be solved. (Hasselgren, A., et al., 2020, pp. 10-14)

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