Autumn King

Autumn King , with a Doctor of Social Work degree and a master's degree in counseling psychology specializing in Marriage and Family Therapy and Professional Clinical Counseling, serves as an assistant professor at California Baptist University. Focused on community-based research, Dr. King is dedicated to advancing father involvement within the Black American community. Her overarching research goal aims to contribute to the knowledge base on father engagement, with a particular interest in developing community-based interventions. Driven by a long-term career objective, she aspires to address barriers hindering father involvement through research, influencing policies, and reshaping literature to be more inclusive of fathers.


Engaging Black Fathers: Nurturing Strong Families and Communities
Autumn King. © 2024. 16 pages.
Within the intricate fabric of family dynamics, the bond between a child and its father holds significant influence. Black fathers are central to community advancement, fostering...