Engaging Black Fathers: Nurturing Strong Families and Communities

Engaging Black Fathers: Nurturing Strong Families and Communities

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1451-7.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
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Within the intricate fabric of family dynamics, the bond between a child and its father holds significant influence. Black fathers are central to community advancement, fostering lower crime rates, improved educational outcomes, and heightened social welfare. However, the pervasive issue of absent Black fathers persists, casting a shadow over these positive contributions. This chapter delves into the concept of the father's absence, exploring its profound impacts on children's emotional, psychological, and social development. By delving into the historical origins of Black father absence, marked by economic inequities, discriminatory policies, and high rates of incarceration, the authors uncover persistent challenges within the Black family framework. Despite these obstacles, the chapter also explores strategies professionals and practitioners can utilize to effectively support and engage Black fathers, recognizing their transformative potential in nurturing thriving children, fostering resilient families, and strengthening communities.
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Father Absence And Its Effect On Children

Father absence is a widespread global phenomenon that is documented in numerous countries, including the United States (Freeks, 2017). This phenomenon is defined as the circumstance in which a child grows up in a household without the presence of its biological father, whether partially or entirely, during their childhood (Amato, 2010). Absent fathers, however, are defined by their minimal participation in their children's lives, frequently resulting from situations such as divorce (DeBell, 2007), while fatherlessness is defined as the absence of a father due to reasons such as his absence from the home or his passing away. While traditional definitions mainly focus on the quantitative aspect, a father's emotional unavailability or disengagement represents a crucial aspect that is often overlooked (Dermott, 2008). This emotional dimension significantly impacts a child's well-being and development, leading to various challenges that children must navigate, which, in turn, influence their academic, social, and emotional well-being (Naz, 2013).

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