Asik Rahaman Jamader

Asik Rahaman JamaderAsik Rahaman Jamader is working as an Assistant Professor in the department of Hospitality & Hotel Administration at Pailan College of Management & Technology, Kolkata, India, also he is the Corporate Advisory Board Member of the Smart Journal of Business Management Studies indexed by Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI) - Web of Science (Clarivate Analytics) with 5.748 Impact factor. His research interest is in Hospitality and innovative Technique implemented in Hospitality Industry. He is a scientist by having 23 numbers of International granted patents & 12 numbers of registered and published national & International patents also have a good number of authored Book/Book Chapters publications, including some SCOPUS/SCIE/ESCI/WOS publications. Recently he joined as an Ad Hoc reviewer of the International Journal of Business Intelligence Research (IJBIR), IGI Global publishing indexed by WOS and Scopus.


Ecological Impacts of the Himalayan Region in West Bengal
Achintya Barman, Monami Barman, Asik Rahaman Jamader. © 2024. 15 pages.
The establishment of protected areas, the promotion of responsible tourist behavior, and the adoption of sustainable tourism practices: the effectiveness of these measures will...
The Resilient Brand Management Framework as a Responsive Business Strategy in the Industry 4.0 Era
Asik Rahaman Jamader, Santanu Dasgupta, Govind Baibhaw. © 2024. 18 pages.
The analysis suggests that the application of the sustainability concept underpinning the framework of resilient branding (FRB) has a significant impact on business in...
Transformation of Marketing Strategy by Metaverse in the Hospitality Industry Facing Crisis
Asik Rahaman Jamader, Santanu Dasgupta, Mushtaq Ahmad. © 2024. 10 pages.
The hospitality industry is one of the largest manpower-driven industries and hence generates huge employment. Strategies evolved and applied till 2019 transformed greatly facing...