Ashish Kumar

|Ashish Kumar - Editor|Dr. Ashish Kumar , Ph.D., is working as an assistant professor with Bennett University, Greater Noida, U.P., India. He has completed his Ph.D. in Computer Science and Engineering from Delhi Technological University (formerly DCE), New Delhi, India in 2020. He has received best researcher award from the Delhi Technological University for his contribution in the computer vision domain. He has completed M.Tech with distinction in computer Science and Engineering from GGS Inderpratha University, New Delhi. He has published more than 25 research papers in various reputed national and international journals and conferences. He has published 15+ book chapters in various Scopus indexed books. He has authored/edited many books in AI and computer vision domain. He is an active member in various international societies and clubs. He is reviewer with many reputed journals and in technical program committee of various national/ international conferences. Dr. Kumar also served as a session chair in many international and national conferences. His current research interests include object tracking, image processing, artificial intelligence, and medical imaging analysis.


Land Surface Temperature and Its Lapse Rate Estimation Using Landsat-8 TIRS Data in Beas River Basin, India and Computed Differences With MODIS-Terra
Gopinadh Rongali, Ashok K. Keshari, Ashwani K. Gosain, R. Khosa, Ashish Kumar. © 2024. 20 pages.
In the study of snow melt runoff, the temperature lapse rate (TLR) is an essential variable. For the Beas River Basin in the Western Himalayas, it has been approximated in the...
Improving Learning Abilities Using AI-Based Education Systems
Ashish Kumar, Divya Singh, Rubeena Vohra. © 2023. 19 pages.
AI is transforming the traditional education system globally. The traditional education system based on historical paradigms has a very feeble scope for creating an interactive...