Immersive Technologies: Virtual and Augmented Reality in Higher Education

Immersive Technologies: Virtual and Augmented Reality in Higher Education

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 16
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1310-7.ch007
(Individual Chapters)
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This book chapter investigates the revolutionary impact of immersive technology, notably virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR), on higher education. Tracing the developmental journey of VR and AR from its conceptual origins in the mid-20th century to their present-day implementations, the chapter demonstrates their enormous influence on teaching. Traditional classroom paradigms are being changed as immersive learning environments replace conventional lectures and textbooks. VR and AR transfer students to virtual domains, allowing them to interact with three-dimensional models, historical reenactments, and complicated simulations. The chapter also examines the obstacles and implications connected with the incorporation of new technologies, including the requirement for specialized training and assuring accessible for all students. As higher education undergoes a pedagogical revolution, this chapter gives insights into the ways VR and AR are altering the educational landscape and preparing students for the challenges of the digital age.
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The educational landscape is undergoing a significant and unheard-of shift in a time of unrelenting and rapid technological advancement. The traditional limitations that once restricted the classroom experience are now breaking free from the limitations of physical space and time at an astounding rate. In this constantly shifting educational ecosystem, we encounter the dynamic and transformational power of immersive technologies, particularly Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR). These immersive technologies are more than simply tools; they are the impetus for a pedagogical revolution that can fundamentally alter the way that education is provided. The new prospects they create are tremendously exciting, and they have a truly revolutionary effect on higher education. As we go on this intellectual journey, we find ourselves in an innovative space where disruptive technologies, artificial intelligence, and pedagogical practices converge to show us a glimpse of an education future that exceeds our wildest expectations. We want to engage in a deep exploration in these pages, one that goes beyond the bounds of conventional thinking and delves deeply into the worlds of immersive technologies in the revered settings of higher education. Laying a solid and thorough foundation is the first step in our search because it enables us to fully comprehend the immense significance that VR and AR possess in the context of academics. Amidst the boundless potential, we must also confront the challenges and ethical considerations that accompany the integration of immersive technologies into education. We shall grapple with the intricacies of privacy and ethics in immersive education, and explore the pivotal role of responsible AI in ensuring the ethical use of these technologies within educational settings.

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