IoT-Based Smart Agriculture

IoT-Based Smart Agriculture

Kishore Kumar K.
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6870-5.ch004
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Smart farming is an evolving concept since IoT sensors are capable of providing agricultural field information and then acting on the basis of user feedback. The main factor in improving the yield of efficient crops is the control of environmental conditions. There is a small yard, farmland, or a plantation area for most of us. However, our busy timetable does not allow us to manage it well. But we can easily accomplish it with the use of technology. So, the authors make an IoT-based smart farming system that can control soil moisture. As data has become a critical component in modern agriculture to assist producers with critical decisions and make a decision with objective data obtained from sensors, significant advantages emerge. This chapter explores the current state of advanced farm management systems by revisiting each critical phase, from data collection in crop fields to variable rate applications, in order for growers to make informed decisions save money while also protecting the environment and transforming how food is grown to meet potential population growth.
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1. Introduction

In each region, farming is carried out from age. The science and specialization of growing plants is agriculture. The critical advance in the growth of passive human progress was horticulture. Agriculture is that the most vital sector for grouping to survive their existence. Agriculture is the primary occupation for most of the people in India. It enhances an enormous concern to manage food for folks everywhere the globe. Most of the farmers follow terribly ancient ways to cultivate their crops. They accustomed to be present physically on their farm to watch crops. Use of technology will create this job easier and time efficient. In smart agribusiness, IOT takes on a critical role. IOT sensors are ideal for supplying information on the fields of agriculture. We have suggested an IOT framework using computerization and a genius farming framework. Internet of things may be a technology which may send or receive any knowledge to server exploitation the net. Exploitation this technology, farmers can monitor the particular condition of the crops while not being gift in their field. In this project, we have projected a system to watch the farming field with the assistance of iot technology. In order to ensure the continuity of this economic sector, the agricultural sector is one of the most significant economic resources in these countries, contributing to the importance of good management of the available water resources. In India, 10% of the area of the country is covered by rice plantations. Agriculture is undergoing a transformation driven by technological advances, which appears to be very exciting because it will enable this primary sector to achieve success of farm productivity and profitability. Precision agriculture, which entails applying inputs (what is required) when and where they are needed, has become the third wave of the modern agricultural revolution (the first was mechanization, and the second was the green revolution with its genetic modification), and it is now being intensified by the availability of larger amounts of data. In October 2016, the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a survey. Precision Agriculture technologies boosted net returns and operating income, according to the report. In addition, when it comes to the climate, new technologies are constantly being used in farms to ensure the long-term viability of farm production. The implementation of these innovations, however, is fraught with risk and trade-offs. According to a market study, better farmer education and training, knowledge sharing, easy access to financial services and rising customer demand for organic food are all factors that would facilitate the adoption of sustainable farming technologies. When using these new technologies to retrieve data from crops, the challenge is to deliver something coherent and meaningful, since data is nothing other than numbers or photographs. Agriculture is India's main source of revenue. Agriculture employs 58 percent of Indians living in rural areas, according to the IBEF (India Brand Equity Foundation). Agriculture's contribution to India's Gross Value Addition is projected to be about 8%, according to the Central Statistics Office's second advised report, which is a substantial contribution. Agriculture would use a huge amount of water, especially fresh water supplies, in such a scenario, according to current market studies, agriculture uses 85 percent of available freshwater resources world-wide, and this number will continue to rise due to population growth and increased food demand. This necessitates the creation of plans and strategies to use water wisely while taking advantage of scientific and technological advances. There are a number of water-saving systems available for different crops, ranging from the most simple to the most technologically advanced. Thermal imaging is used in one of the existing systems to track plant water status and irrigation scheduling. Automation of irrigation systems is also possible by calculating the water level in the soil and controlling actuators to irrigate as and when required rather than on a predetermined schedule, thereby saving and using water more wisely. When the volumetric water content of the suction pipe exceeds a certain level, an irrigation controller opens a solenoid valve and waters the bedding plants.

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