Beyond the Water Environmental Management in the Operational Building Phase for Its Application to the Peruvian Context

Beyond the Water Environmental Management in the Operational Building Phase for Its Application to the Peruvian Context

Estela Karem Samamé Zegarra
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-7279-5.ch005
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The world population is expected to be 9.3 billion by 2050, with a high increase in the urban population. It is worth considering that 71.7% of the surface of the earth covered by water, but only 3% of this water can be used as drinking water. In cities, buildings are recognized as one of the largest users of freshwater resources in construction and operation. The water use impact is different in some countries because some use conventional water treatments while other ones rely on advanced desalination. Climate change and population growth are clearly putting pressure on the world's water supply, so the first environmental assessment plan for buildings was launched in 1990 by the BRE in the United Kingdom where the water category is included in its environmental assessment.
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The Importance Of Water Conservation In Peru

In a Peruvian context, experts on the subject of Sustainability and Construction mention that the water resource is a priority to conserve (Biondi, 2012), likewise in an interview with Dr. Martín Wieser in April 2018 with the question: If there was a certification specifically for social housing in Peru, which of the three Impact categories (energy, water, materials) would you consider most important for a weighting? It said that “Apart from that, I think that in the specific case of Lima and the Peruvian coast, the issue of Water / Drainage should have, if not the highest consideration, yes much more than what is assigned to it in the LEED or EDGE certifications.”

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