An Interview With Chief Kennedy of the Chula Vista, CA Police Department

An Interview With Chief Kennedy of the Chula Vista, CA Police Department

Steven W. Steinert
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6820-0.ch009
(Individual Chapters)
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Chief Kennedy, of the Chula Vista Police Department in California, is interviewed about her experiences as a police chief. She provides her unique perspective about her approach to policing and the path she took to her current position. She discusses educational and training requirements to become an officer in her department and how she works to recruit and retain officers. She describes different officer wellness initiatives and philosophies. She provides information about what it is like to be a female officer as well as a female administrator in law enforcement. Further, the interview includes a discussion of recent technological and innovative initiatives. Specifically, she describes a cutting-edge drone program designed to improve officer safety and effectiveness, which is serving as a model of other departments nationwide. Chief Kennedy also discusses the unique experience of policing near the US-Mexico border.
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