The Innovative Blockchain Technology in the Sharing Economy Subject Decision Making

The Innovative Blockchain Technology in the Sharing Economy Subject Decision Making

Elena Iosifovna Lazareva, Olga Vladimirovna Karaycheva, Gleb Viktorovich Karaychev, Irina Veniaminovna Frolova
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 22
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-0361-4.ch008
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The relevance of research is defined by the increasing importance of information technology support of managerial decisions of the modern economy subjects, whose priorities are progressively shifting from property to consumption, in the context of society innovation-digital transformation. The research is aimed at proposing ways to introduce the breakthrough blockchain technology into the system of interactions between sharing economy agents and at assessing the effect arising from the perspective of the transition to a true market economy of equal subjects. Achieving the goal of the study required the solution of such tasks as the identification of economic entities' decision-making algorithm and analysis of the advantages of innovative blockchain technology compared to the information sharing economy platforms that are actively working today. The novelty of the author's approach consists in substantiating the advantages of blockchain technology in approaching the goal of creating a socially oriented system of cooperation between equal actors.
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The effectiveness of sharing economy subjects’ managerial decisions is especially important in the context of global instability, increased competition and innovation-digital transformations. Communication technologies used in the decision-making process, including the blockchain technology influence this effectiveness greatly. The development of digital networks and clusters in which efficiency increases as the number of users grows, in combination with the institutional environment, has the most important manifestations in creating new models of managerial decision-making by rapidly developing sharing economy (trust economy) subjects, which improve the organization of interaction of participants (Belk, 2014; Bardhi & Eckhardt, 2012). The purpose of the study is to propose real ways of introducing breakthrough blockchain technology into the system of interactions between sharing economy agents and assessing the effect arising from the perspective of the transition to true peer-2-peer relations. So the identification of joint consumption economic entities’ managerial decision-making algorithm as well as of “bottlenecks” in terms of information technology support to the decision-making process; analysis of the advantages of innovative blockchain technology compared to the information sharing economy platforms that are actively working today (Airbnb, Uber, BlaBlaCar, various CarSharing services, etc.); substantiating the strategy for introducing breakthrough blockchain technology into the system of interactions between sharing economy agents are the main objectives of the chapter.

The advantages of innovative blockchain technology disclosed in the study and the strategy for its implementation in the decision-making process of the sharing economy actors will overcome a number of problems arising in the development of their mutually beneficial interaction and will allow to get closer to the goal of creating a socially oriented system of cooperation between equal actors.

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