Effect of Terrorism Financing on Selected Global Indices: The Case of 2015 Paris Attacks

Effect of Terrorism Financing on Selected Global Indices: The Case of 2015 Paris Attacks

Laila Memdani, Tasiu Tijjani Kademi, Abdul Rafay
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-8758-4.ch008
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Investment is a part and parcel of life. There are various avenues to invest and one of those is the stock market. But the decision of the investor depends on various factors and one of these factors is terrorism. The chapter focuses on the long and short-run association (LSA) and the influence of terrorism on major global stock indices and gold. The Paris attacks of 2015 are taken as a base, and the ARDL model is used to study the long and short-run impact on the selected stock indices. An attempt is also made to study the impact of terrorism on the stock returns using the Miller and Modigliani model. The study reveals a short-run impact of terrorism on the five selected global indices, but there is no long-run impact.
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Literature Review

Researchers discussed a lot how the world financial markets are effected by the waves of terrorism. The most important terrorist attack of Nine Eleven was widely discussed in the literature by Nikkinen et al. (2008), Jackson (2008), Charles and Darné (2006) and Chen and Siems (2004). All are of the view that these attacks negatively affected the global stock markets.

Barry and Nedelescu (2006) highlighted the international awareness of the danger of terrorism on financial markets. The study argued that a sound, diversified and liquid markets counter the effects of terrorist attacks within short time frame. Thus, matured stock exchanges absorbed terrorist attacks more efficiently. Similarly, for the period 1990-2003, Eldor and Melnik (2004) discussed the impact of 639 attacks in Israel. The study found a significant adverse impact of suicide attacks on capital markets. However, swift government intervention and nature of the market helps in efficient market operation.

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