A Study and Analysis of Trust Management System in Cloud Technologies

A Study and Analysis of Trust Management System in Cloud Technologies

Lahari Anne, S. Anandakumar, Anand Mahendran, Muhammad Rukunuddin Ghalib, Uttam Ghosh
Copyright: © 2021 |Pages: 13
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-3335-2.ch015
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Cloud computing is a technology that has enabled individual users and organizations alike to implement such functionality. Currently, a large percentage of the data being generated is stored on clouds, and the number of organizations opting for cloud-based technologies is continuously on the rise. With such growing numbers accessing and utilizing cloud resources, data security has become a significant cause of concern. Traditional methods of cloud computing are becoming obsolete and ineffective with each technological breakthrough, and data is thus highly subjected to getting corrupted or hacked. This chapter provides a survey on various trust management techniques used in cloud technology to protect the data with multiple security features.
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Analysis Of Trust Management System In Cloud Technologies

Cloud provides services in the form of a platform, infrastructure, and software and storage. However, for a real-time business application, the cloud provider is to be selected based on trustworthiness. Thus, in this chapter, the authors proposed a trust model to facilitate the process of choosing the right and trusted cloud service provider(CSP). This model is based on previous research publications on SLA based trust framework. The proposed model uses an SLA agent to perform the tasks such as grouping cloud consumers, designing and drawing SLA metrics, determining the negotiation terms with the cloud providers etc. The model comprises of four steps. Firstly, an SLA agent monitors business activities, trust parameters and business reports. Secondly, consumers are classified based on a cloud consumer model. This also deals with the price models and charges for services. Thirdly, the cloud directory lists the existing providers based on required service parameters. Lastly, the selected cloud providers own the cloud infrastructures and provide services to the consumers. The model is developed, keeping a protocol in mind. The protocol involves steps of determining the trusted Cloud service provider based on advertising, discovery and analysis by the SLA agent. The future scope of this model includes the evaluation in a simulated environment with effective experimentations. Theoretically, the model proved to be a novel approach to trust management in cloud technologies (Alhamad et al., 2010).

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