Developing and Validating a Theoretical Model to Evaluate Customer Satisfaction of E-Services

Developing and Validating a Theoretical Model to Evaluate Customer Satisfaction of E-Services

Hamed Taherdoost, Mitra Madanchian
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-5171-4.ch003
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Today's advanced development in information technology and communication (ICT) has led to customer digital satisfaction being highly recognized as an important aspect of online business activities and considered a key determinant for successful electronic service (e-service). This introduces a new requirement to measure customer digital satisfaction as a factor for continuous business improvement. In this chapter, first, all customer digital satisfaction dimensions are extracted from the literature. Then, the exploratory factor analysis is used to cluster the factors effectively. Then further analysis including content validity, discriminate, and constructive testing is used to test the proposed survey instrument. After that, in order to verify the proposed instrument and model, structural equation modelling is applied using Amos. The contribution of this chapter relates to the fact that the proposed theoretical survey instrument integrates in a holistic way various relevant factors affecting customer digital satisfaction of e-service into a single template.
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In today advance development in ICT, Internet become as an important tool to deliver the products, information, and services of organizations, governments and also individuals (Alawneh, Al-Refai, & Batiha, 2013). The Internet is one of the major means for communication between companies and clients. Its main feature is the ability to exchange complex information in a friendly environment (NIST-Special-Publication-800-16). Generally, businesses and organizations use the Internet for customer service (IS07498-2). Most companies place great emphasis on customer’s digital satisfaction. This introduces a new requirement to measure customers digital satisfaction as a factor for continuous business improvement (Thomas, Basil, Christina, Fedra, & Manuela, 2013).

Customers digital satisfaction is a key dimension driving business outcomes and performance of processes in service and product organizations (Kenett & Salini, 2011). Customers digital satisfaction as a baseline standard of performance will help organizations to achieve their goals and objectives (Hussain, Nasser, & Hussain, 2014). Firm’s future profitability depends on satisfying current customers (Lee et al., 2016). S.-C. Chen (2012) articulated that customer satisfaction is one of the factors that influence on clients’ intention to use e-service and also repeating the usage. On the other hand, according to Boulter (2014), keeping current customers is more profitable than acquiring new clients. Thus, it can be realized that customers digital satisfaction is a key factor for e-service usage and will lead to loyalty (Gummerus, Liljander, Pura, & Riel, 2004).

Consumer’s digital satisfaction is not a new concept and many studies try to find its antecedents and consequences, because it is considered as a significant measure of an organization’s success (Ramasubbu, Mithas, & Krishnan, 2008) especially in Information System (DeLone & McLean., 1992; Montesdioca & Maçada, 2014), however, customer satisfaction is multi-dimensional factor including marketing, behavioural and technical aspects (Alawneh et al., 2013; Stamenkov & Dika, 2016). It is vital to understand what customers value most and helps firms allocating resource utilization for continuously improvement based on their needs and wants (Lee et al., 2016).

In order to explain the system use, it is essential to develop tools to measure and analysing customers’ satisfaction (Legris, Ingham, & Collerette, 2003) although there are some scholars that developed instruments to evaluate user satisfaction based on the information and system characteristics (Bailey & Pearson, 1983; Baroudi & Orlikowski., 1988; Doll & Torkzadeh., 1988; Ives, Olson, & Baroudi., 1983). Furthermore, although there are some developed tools to assess web-based services (Cho & Park, 2001; Huang, Yang, Jin, & Chiu, 2004; Muylle, Moenert, & Despontin, 2004) still certain modifications are needed to provide more accurate instrument relevant to web-based service (Tojib, Sugianto, & Sendjaya, 2006). However, there is still not widely accepted the consensus on the satisfaction constructs thus it is significant to provide a set of dimensions which influence customer satisfaction (Al-Kasasbeh, Dasgupta, & AL-Faouri, 2011).

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