Lab Development for Delivering Information Systems Courses Online at Small Campuses

Li Chao (University of Houston - Victoria, USA)
Copyright: © 2006 |Pages: 30
EISBN13: 9781599044576|DOI: 10.4018/jcit.2006010102
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In this case study, you will encounter some of the issues of lab development for delivering lab-based information systems courses online. Many small campuses have very limited budget or no budget at all for the computer lab specifically designed for information systems majors. Sometimes, even with new computers purchased, very few people know how to set them up for lab-based information systems (IS) courses. What are the software and hardware requirements for getting the lab online? How much will it cost? Where can you find resources for the lab development? To ensure quality teaching on IS-related topics, you have to deal with these issues. This case study will discuss how to create a lab that allows students to get hands-on practice for courses such as network management or database processing online with a shoestring budget.
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