Design and Development of a Digital Error Reporting System for a Rural Nursing Home

Barbara Millet (Texas Tech University, USA)
Copyright: © 2013 |Pages: 15
EISBN13: 9781466648159|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-4046-7.ch011
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Error reporting systems are traditionally facilitated through completion of paper forms. These forms are largely flawed in design and usability. Use of digital reporting forms may be advantageous in reducing data entry errors, minimizing documentation time, and collecting consistent data items. This case study is a site-specific exploration of error reporting systems for a rural nursing home. A comparative evaluation was conducted of the nursing home’s existing narrative, paper form against a newly developed, digital interface. Empirical results showed no overall difference in performance between the interfaces. Expected performance gains may have been offset by the novelty of the digital interface and user familiarity with the existing paper forms. There were, however, differences in user preference, with the digital interface significantly preferred. Furthermore, data entry of accident and near miss information into computer systems was projected to streamline data collection and analysis.
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