Application of Tree-Based Solutions: A Case Study with INEEL

David Paper (Utah State University, USA) and Kenneth B. Tingey (Utah State University, USA)
Copyright: © 2002 |Pages: 271
EISBN13: 9781599046884|DOI: 10.4018/978-1-93070-840-2.ch018
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This case is a study of the application of tree-based solutions to Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL) challenges in the development of a computerized system to meet complex, yet exacting compliance requirements extended to thousands of employees in a largescale organization. We rehearse the history of the project and include information on the theoretical structure of the tree-based solution used. Using primary research documentation, we use a constructivist approach to the issue of subject matter expert empowerment, a major theme of the case. Of particular interest is how the engineer in question was able to modify his work paradigm to incorporate a new role as digital content designer and overseer of the project. Additionally, the study concentrates on the overall effects of the project on other INEEL systems and working environments at the INEEL. Implications of management- and subject matter expert-directed system design projects using tree-based tools are considered with respect to all aspects of enterprise systems development.
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