Prepare Your Book Proposal

Preparing and submitting an online book proposal form is the first step needed to potentially begin developing a new book project with IGI Global. After the form is submitted, the IGI Global Acquisitions Team conducts in-depth analysis on the proposal before bringing it to the Executive Editorial Board for their evaluation and final decision.

Proposal Form Sections

Editor/Author Information
This first section of the proposal form requests information on all editors organizing the book project. It is important for an editor to ensure that their CV/Resume is updated before attaching it to the proposal in either a Word or PDF format. Uploaded CVs should include:
Degrees earned
Professional and Academic Experience
Publications (highlighting or separating out led projects
Conferences Organized or Attended

All editors/authors should also include a detailed biography which includes the highest degree earned and the institution that awarded it, current positions and affiliation, and a summary of past academic contributions. If the proposal is accepted, this biography would then be used as your biography for the book.

Another important consideration is the order in which the editors are listed. The first editor listed is the lead editor on the book project. Therefore, the first editor should be the most active and qualified of the group of editors.

Tentative Titles
Editors should list at least one title suggestion for their book. Should the book be accepted, the final title for the book will be determined by the Executive Editorial Board following best practices and ensuring maximum visibility of the title through discoverability systems. Certain book formats may also have specific title criteria. For example, books published in the “Casebook” format will have titles that start with “Cases on…”
Description, Impact, & Audience
This section requests the following information so that the Executive Editorial Board may have a clear representation of the contents of the proposed book:
An overview of what the publication will be about, as well as an introduction to the subject itself. The editor should thoroughly yet concisely explain the topic of the proposed book.
The objectives and values that the book provides to the field of research. Books that have the highest chance of being accepted include forthcoming research that addresses gaps in the current literature available to the research community and it not on a theme that is already oversaturated with content. It may be helpful to consider the following questions when completing this section:
The target audience and potential uses. Editors and authors should be prepared to address the fundamental purpose of the book. Who will benefit most from its content? Who is the primary audience to use this book? It is important to consider academic as well as professional uses for the book.
Question Mark How will this book impact current research?
Question Mark How is this book going to benefit the research community?
Question Mark How will this book further or continue research in the field?
Question Mark How does this book differ from others like it?
Sample Topics

In this section, the editor/author should list all areas of possible coverage, including topics to be covered within the publication.

For an authored book, this section may feature an outline of the proposed book. It is important to show that an author has a good grasp on what they wish to publish and in what order it will be covered. If the content is developed, it is acceptable to feature the manuscript’s table of contents.

For an edited book, this section should feature all possible coverage. The editor should provide a comprehensive list of the topics that they wish/expect to see covered in the final book. If the content has already been received, it is expected that the editor lists the chapter titles, chapter authors, and affiliations of the chapter authors.

Plan for Reaching Contributors (for edited books only)

When proposing an edited book, it is expected that an editor will have an established plan for reaching potential chapter authors. This plan assures the Executive Editorial Board that the editor will have no difficulty receiving chapters on the relevant topics for the book. Additionally, as an international academic publisher, it is important that IGI Global edited books showcase regional diversity amongst authorship of chapters. Thus, the review panel will also be looking for plans to reach chapter authors from all over the world.

Acceptable venues for distributing the Call for Chapters and seeking chapter authors to invite include, but are not limited to:

Research Groups/Forums
University/College Departments
Social Media
Research Centers/Laboratories
Personal Websites
Publication Format

Editors may choose the specific format that they wish to publish their book as from the list available. Details about each format can be found on the Publication Formats page.

Publication Format Considerations

Editors should consider the projected length, number of chapters, figures, equations, etc. that they expect for the book. Editors should understand that projected lengths should match format requirements.

The projected number of figures and equations is especially important for books dealing with topics that will likely heavily revolve around such data as these can be more work during the Production stage of the book and must be taken into consideration by the Executive Editorial Board.

Tentative Project Timeline

IGI Global allows flexible timelines for its books and provides three development plans for the editors to choose from. These development plans span from the date that the publication agreement is signed to when the final full manuscript is submitted to IGI Global:

Less than 6 months
7 to 9 months
10 to 11 months

Should the book be accepted, the final manuscript deadlines and due dates leading to it will be suggested based on the timeline that the editor chose in the proposal form. IGI Global will not hold editors to the final manuscript deadline until the publication agreement is signed and returned by all editors on the project.

Upload Considerations

Editors are encouraged to upload any additional documents (Word or PDF format) that they believe will help the Executive Editorial Board with their decision. Those choosing authored formats for their book are encouraged to upload sample chapters for the Board’s consideration.

Open Access Publishing Options

In this section, an editor may choose the publishing model they wish to publish under.

Prohibit Sign
I do not wish to publish this book under open access: Selecting this option will allow the book to be published under the traditional, non-open access model where copyright transfers to the publisher, the research is published behind a paywall, and there are no costs for publishing.
Platinum Open Access Lock
I wish to publish this book under Platinum open access: Selecting this option will allow the book to be published under a Platinum open access model where the copyright remains with the authors through the CC BY license, all research is freely accessible upon publication, and a Book Processing Charge (BPC) is collected from the leadership. Chapter authors do not pay any type of publication fee as the leadership has already provided the funding.
Platinum Open Access Lock
I wish to publish this book under Gold open access: Selecting this option will allow the book to be published under a Gold open access model where the copyright remains with the authors through the CC BY license, all research is freely accessible upon publication, and chapter authors have to pay a Chapter Processing Charge (CPC) for chapters they submit that are accepted to the book after the formal double-blind peer review process.
Funding Body

This section may be completely ignored if “I do not wish to publish under open access” was selected from the previous section.

If a Platinum open access book is desired, it is strongly recommended to insert the information for the funding body/bodies that will cover the cost of the Book Processing Charge (BPC).

If a Gold open access book is desired, and the leadership team has some funding that could be provided to offset the cost of the Chapter Processing Charge (CPC) for authors, it is recommended that they add the funding body/bodies information.

Save & Submit

Editors/Authors have the choice to save the proposal and work on it as they can to fill all the necessary sections. Once complete, editors/authors must click the “Save & Submit” button in order to have their proposal considered.

Submit a Proposal

To get started with a potential new book project, please submit a book proposal form by clicking the button.