Before You Write

Details and Guidelines for Manuscript Submissions

Please carefully follow the guidelines below as you write. Any manuscripts not meeting these guidelines will be returned to the author(s) for correction, which can cause significant delays in the publication of your work.


Required Word Counts

Please ensure that your manuscript follows the word count requirements specific to your publication format:
  • Minimum 10,000 words (Book chapter)
  • Minimum 7,000 words (Encyclopedia article)
  • Minimum 5,000 words (Journal article)


All manuscripts must

  • be in scope of the book
  • be submitted in Microsoft® Word
  • be typewritten in English
TopManuscript Checklist
  1. Originality of manuscripts. Only ORIGINAL submissions will be accepted for publication. Manuscripts may not have been previously published or be submitted for publication elsewhere.
  2. Revised manuscripts. IGI Global will not publish a manuscript that is a “revised” version of a manuscript that you published elsewhere. In order to be considered original, a manuscript must be at least 80% new material with no more than 200 consecutive words (properly cited) repeated verbatim from any previously published work.
  3. Copyright. For those already familiar with IGI Global's publication process, please note that PDF copyright agreements are no longer accepted. As part of the manuscript submission process, you and your authors will be asked to sign the Author’s Warranty and Transfer of Copyright Agreement digitally.
  4. Peer review. All submissions must undergo a double-anonymized review process before being accepted for publication. Authors of book chapters will be expected to serve as reviewers for 2-3 chapters. Authors have a vested interest in ensuring the quality of all chapters within the publication, as improving the quality of the publication as a whole will also improve the reception of their own work within it.
  5. General formatting. Please format your chapter following APA 7th edition guidelines.
  6. Titles. Titles may be no longer than 100 characters. Subtitles, if included, may be no longer than 50 characters.
    • Note that all titles must be entered in title case. To put a title in title case, the first letter of each word should be capitalized unless that word is a preposition (position words such as “by,” “to,” or “at”), conjunction (connecting words such as “and” or “but”), or article (“a,” “an,” or “the”) fewer than four letters long. The only exceptions to this rule are that the first and last words of the title or subtitle are always capitalized, even if they are articles, prepositions, or conjunctions.
    • Titles may not be written in all capital letters (e.g., "CHAPTER TITLE" is incorrect; "Chapter Title" is correct)
  7. Abstract (Executive Summary for Casebooks). Every chapter should include an abstract of 100-150 words that provides the reader with an overview of the chapter. Please write abstracts in third person.
  8. Headings. Please format all headings to match APA 7th edition guidelines (Example).
  9. Images. All submitted images must follow the requirements outlined in IGI Global’s Image Formatting Guidelines. Any figures that do not meet these minimum specifications will be returned to the author(s) for correction. All figures must be submitted as separate files in .tif format. Please also note that it is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to use any image currently under copyright by a third party. Please see the image guide for more information.
    • Figure Captions. All images included in the chapter manuscript are to be accompanied by captions. These captions should briefly explain the image, study, results, etc. Figures should be numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript.
    • Figure Callouts. All images included in the chapter manuscript must be called out in the body of the chapter to guide the readers to look at the figures to better present the research.
  10. Tables. All tables included in any submitted research manuscript can remain in the document.
    • Table Captions. All tables included in the chapter manuscript are to be accompanied by captions. These captions should briefly explain the study, results, etc. Tables should also be numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript.
    • Table Callouts. All tables included in the chapter manuscript must be referenced in the body of the chapter.
  11. Equations. If a symbol or equation can by typed directly into Microsoft Word, please do so. Otherwise, we require using MathType to format all equations. Authors can download a free trial version of MathType here:
  12. APA citations. Please ensure that all information in your manuscript that is taken from another source is substantiated with an in-text reference citation. The publisher will return your submission to you for correction if you do not properly format your references. For more information and examples on APA citations, please see IGI Global’s APA Citation Guidelines.
    • Self citation. Researchers may need to cite their previously published works in order to communicate an idea effectively in their present manuscript. While IGI Global encourages the use of self citations in these cases, it is important that a higher diversity of other citations should accompany the self citations in the manuscript. Learn More.
  13. Additional Reading (book chapters only). If relevant, please provide a list of no more than 10 related references in APA style.
  14. Key Terms and Definitions (book chapters only). All book chapters must include a list of 7+ key terms and definitions following the references and additional reading lists. Definitions must be written in the chapter author’s own words. Please include these at the end of the paper.
  15. Teaching notes. If you are writing a case study, please provide supplemental teaching notes as a separate document from your manuscript. These notes will be provided to readers interested in adopting your work as course material. Case Support Material Guidelines
  16. APA and IGI Global house style. Please be advised that while APA 7 is requested for our internal operations, the published document will be formatted in IGI Global's house style, which does not exactly match APA 7. See other IGI Global publications for examples of how the published article/chapter will appear.

  17. Author Corrections.

    • After the manuscript is arrived by the development editor, alterations beyond minor corrections (especially grammatical and punctuation changes) are not permitted.
    • Changes that involve only matters of style will not be carried out by the typesetter, as we have introduced IGI Global’s house style.
    • Substantial changes in content (new results, corrected values) are not allowed.
    • Revised proofs will not be sent to the author.

    Note: IGI Global requires that all book chapter manuscripts submitted to our publications be professionally copy edited. Copy editing may be performed by any editorial services provider; however, IGI Global highly recommends eContent Pro, a professional editorial services provider, for supplemental editorial services such as English language copy editing, for which IGI Global authors and editors receive a 25% discount.

TopWhat IGI Global Does Not Accept
  1. Simultaneous Submissions. No manuscript may be submitted to two or more IGI Global publications at the same time. However, a manuscript rejected from one book or journal may be resubmitted to a different book or journal.
  2. Plagiarism. IGI Global takes concerns of plagiarism very seriously. All manuscripts are checked for plagiarized passages prior to being accepted for publication. Please ensure that all information taken from outside sources is properly cited and that all thoughts are composed in your own words. All instances of plagiarism will be immediately returned to the authors for correction and may be cause for removal of the manuscript from the publication. Learn more about IGI Global' Statement on Ethical Publishing Practices.
  3. LaTex. LaTex files are NOT accepted because they are not compatible with IGI Global’s typesetting program. As an alternative, we require that you use MathType (see the “Equations” section).

**Please note that all book chapter manuscripts MUST be submitted through the eEditorial Discovery® online submission management system. Manuscripts submitted outside of the system will not be considered for publication.**



All manuscripts must

  • be in scope of the book
  • be submitted in Microsoft® Word
  • be typewritten in English
TopManuscript Checklist
  1. Originality of manuscripts. Only ORIGINAL submissions will be accepted for publication. Manuscripts may not have been previously published or be submitted for publication elsewhere.
  2. Revised manuscripts. IGI Global will not publish a manuscript that is a “revised” version of a manuscript that you published elsewhere. In order to be considered original, a manuscript must be at least 80% new material with no more than 200 consecutive words (properly cited) repeated verbatim from any previously published work.
  3. Copyright. For those already familiar with IGI Global's publication process, please note that PDF copyright agreements are no longer accepted. As part of the manuscript submission process, you and your authors will be asked to sign the Author’s Warranty and Transfer of Copyright Agreement digitally.
  4. Peer review. All submissions must undergo a double-anonymized review process before being accepted for publication. Authors will be expected to serve as reviewers for 2-3 articles. Authors have a vested interest in ensuring the quality of all articles within the publication, as improving the quality of the publication as a whole will also improve the reception of their own work within it.
  5. General formatting. Please format your article following APA 7th edition guidelines.
  6. Titles. Titles may be no longer than 70 characters and may not include subtitles.
    • Note that all titles must be entered in title case. To put a title in title case, the first letter of each word should be capitalized unless that word is a preposition (position words such as “by,” “to,” or “at”), conjunction (connecting words such as “and” or “but”), or article (“a,” “an,” or “the”) fewer than four letters long. The only exceptions to this rule are that the first and last words of the title are always capitalized, even if they are articles, prepositions, or conjunctions.
    • Titles may not be written in all capital letters (e.g., "ARTICLE TITLE" is incorrect; "Article Title" is correct)
  7. Abstract. Every article should include an abstract of 100-150 words that provides the reader with an overview of the article. Please write abstracts in third person. These will not appear in print but will appear on the webpage.
  8. Headings. Please format all headings to match APA 7th edition guidelines (Example).
    • If you are submitting to the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, please make sure your headings include:
      • Introduction
      • Background
      • Focus of the Article
      • Solutions and Recommendations
      • Future Research Directions
      • Conclusion
      • References
      • Additional Reading
      • Key Terms and Definitions
    • Please see lines 13 and 14 for more information on "Additional Readings" and "Key Terms and Definitions."
  9. Images. All submitted images must follow the requirements outlined in IGI Global’s Image Formatting Guidelines. Any figures that do not meet these minimum specifications will be returned to the author(s) for correction. All figures must be submitted as separate files in .tif format. Please also note that it is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to use any image currently under copyright by a third party. Please see the image guide for more information.
    • Figure Captions. All images included in the article manuscript are to be accompanied by captions. These captions should briefly explain the image, study, results, etc. Figures should be numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript.
    • Figure Callouts. All images included in the article manuscript must be called out in the body of the article to guide the readers to look at the figures to better present the research.
  10. Tables. All tables included in any submitted research manuscript can remain in the document.
    • Table Captions. All tables included in the article manuscript are to be accompanied by captions. These captions should briefly explain the study, results, etc. Tables should also be numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript.
    • Table Callouts. All tables included in the article manuscript must be referenced in the body of the article.
  11. Equations. If a symbol or equation can by typed directly into Microsoft Word, please do so. Otherwise, we require using MathType to format all equations. Authors can download a free trial version of MathType here:
  12. APA citations. Please ensure that all information in your manuscript that is taken from another source is substantiated with an in-text reference citation. The publisher will return your submission to you for correction if you do not properly format your references. For more information and examples on APA citations, please see IGI Global’s APA Citation Guidelines.
    • Self citation. Researchers may need to cite their previously published works in order to communicate an idea effectively in their present manuscript. While IGI Global encourages the use of self citations in these cases, it is important that a higher diversity of other citations should accompany the self citations in the manuscript. Learn More.
  13. Additional Reading. If relevant, please provide a list of no more than 10 related references in APA style.
  14. Key Terms and Definitions. All articles must include a list of 7+ key terms and definitions following the references and additional reading lists. Definitions must be written in the article author’s own words. Please include these at the end of the article.
  15. APA and IGI Global house style. Please be advised that while APA 7 is requested for our internal operations, the published document will be formatted in IGI Global's house style, which does not exactly match APA 7. See other IGI Global publications for examples of how the published article/chapter will appear.

    IGI Global requires that all encyclopedia article manuscripts submitted to our publications be professionally copy edited. Copy editing may be performed by any editorial services provider; however, IGI Global highly recommends eContent Pro, a professional editorial services provider, for supplemental editorial services such as English Language copy editing, for which IGI Global authors and editors receive a 25% discount.

TopWhat IGI Global Does Not Accept
  1. Simultaneous Submissions. No manuscript may be submitted to two or more IGI Global publications at the same time. However, a manuscript rejected from one book or journal may be resubmitted to a different book or journal.
  2. Plagiarism. IGI Global takes concerns of plagiarism very seriously. All manuscripts are checked for plagiarized passages prior to being accepted for publication. Please ensure that all information taken from outside sources is properly cited and that all thoughts are composed in your own words. All instances of plagiarism will be immediately returned to the authors for correction and may be cause for removal of the manuscript from the publication. Learn more about IGI Global' Statement on Ethical Publishing Practices.
  3. LaTex. LaTex files are NOT accepted because they are not compatible with IGI Global’s typesetting program. As an alternative, we require that you use MathType (see the “Equations” section).

**Please note that all encyclopedia article manuscripts MUST be submitted through eEditorial Discovery®, IGI Global's online submission management system. Manuscripts submitted outside of the system will not be considered for publication.**



All manuscripts must

  • be in scope of the journal
  • be submitted in Microsoft® Word
  • be typewritten in English
TopManuscript Checklist
  1. Originality of manuscripts. Only ORIGINAL submissions will be accepted for publication. Manuscripts may not have been previously published or be submitted for publication elsewhere.
  2. Peer review. All submissions must undergo a double-anonymized review process before being accepted for publication. Peer reviewers who have a vested interest in ensuring the quality of all manuscripts within the publication, are improving the quality of the publication as a whole.
  3. Revised manuscripts. IGI Global will not publish a manuscript that is a “revised” version of a manuscript that have been published elsewhere. In order to be considered original, a manuscript must be at least 80% new material with no more than 200 consecutive words (properly cited) repeated verbatim from any previously published work.
  4. Copyright. For those already familiar with IGI Global's publication process, please note that PDF copyright agreements are no longer accepted. As part of the manuscript submission process, you and your authors will be asked to sign the Author’s Warranty and Transfer of Copyright Agreement digitally.
  5. General formatting. Please format your article following APA 7th edition guidelines.
  6. Titles. Titles may be no longer than 100 characters. Subtitles, if included, may be no longer than 50 characters.
    • Note that all titles must be entered in title case. To put a title in title case, the first letter of each word should be capitalized unless that word is a preposition (position words such as “by,” “to,” or “at”), conjunction (connecting words such as “and” or “but”), or article (“a,” “an,” or “the”) fewer than four letters long. The only exceptions to this rule are that the first and last words of the title or subtitle are always capitalized, even if they are articles, prepositions, or conjunctions
    • Titles may not be written in all capital letters (e.g., "ARTICLE TITLE" is incorrect; "Article Title" is correct)
  7. Abstract. Every article should include an abstract of 100-150 words that provides the reader with an overview of the article. Please write abstracts in third person.
  8. Headings. Please format all headings to match APA 7th edition guidelines (Example).
  9. Images. All submitted images must follow the requirements outlined in IGI Global’s Image Formatting Guidelines. Any figures that do not meet these minimum specifications will be returned to the author(s) for correction. All figures must be submitted as separate files in .tif format. Please also note that it is the author's responsibility to obtain permission to use any image currently under copyright by a third party.
    • Figure Captions. All images included in the article manuscript are to be accompanied by captions. These captions should briefly explain the image, study, results, etc. Figures should also be numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript.
    • Figure Callouts. All images included in the article manuscript must be called out in the body of the article.
  10. Tables. All tables included in any submitted research manuscript can remain in the document.
    • Table Captions. All tables included in the article manuscript are to be accompanied by captions. These captions should briefly explain the study, results, etc. Tables should also be numbered sequentially throughout the manuscript.
    • Table Callouts. All tables included in the article manuscript must be referenced in the body of the article.
  11. Equations. If a symbol or equation can by typed directly into Microsoft Word, please do so. Otherwise, we require using MathType to format all equations. Authors can download a free trial version of MathType here:
  12. APA citations. Please ensure that all information in your manuscript that is taken from another source is substantiated with an in-text reference citation. The publisher will return your submission to you for correction if you do not properly format your references. For more information and examples on APA citations, please see IGI Global’s APA Citation Guidelines.
  13. Competing Interests and Funding Statements. Authors are required to include a competing interests statement and funding information.
    • Competing Interests.
      • If there are competing interests, they should be disclosed in the following format:
        • "[Name] received a research grant from XX University."
        • "[Name] is a review on XX Journal."
      • If there are not competing interests, the statement should say:
        • "The authors of this publication declare there are no competing interests."
    • Funding.
      • If funding was received, it should be disclosed as follows:
        • "This research was supported by the Organization Name [grant number xxxxxx]."
      • If funding was not received, the statement should be formatted as follows:
        • "This research received no specific grant from any funding agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors. Funding for this research was covered by the author(s) of the article."
  14. Permission Forms. Please ensure that if any permission forms need to be filled out and supplied to the publisher.
  15. APA and IGI Global house style. Please be advised that while APA 7 is requested for our internal operations, the published document will be formatted in IGI Global's house style, which does not exactly match APA 7. See other IGI Global publications for examples of how the published article/chapter will appear.

    If you need help formatting and styling your journal article manuscript for submission, IGI Global highly recommends eContent Pro, a professional editorial services provider, for supplemental editorial services which includes figures/graphics improvement and management and also English Language copy editing, for which IGI Global authors and editors receive a 25% discount. ((Note: Journal article manuscripts will receive English Language copy editing of the final document prior to publication as part of the service provision associated with the open access Article Processing Charge (APC))

  16. Withdrawal policy. All manuscripts submitted to IGI Global academic journals should be submitted with the full intention to be published if accepted. Manuscripts can be withdrawn from consideration before the peer review process if need be. Articles that are withdrawn after the peer review process or acceptance from the journal are wastes the voluntary resources of the journal. Please see more information in IGI Global’s Editorial Policy under “Withdraw Policy.”
  17. Redaction policy. Manuscripts that are formally published online for an IGI Global journal cannot be removed from the journal. IGI Global defines this type of request as a “redaction.” IGI Global will not be considering any redaction request that does not pertain to ethical negligence or unintentional research issues. Please see more information in IGI Global’s Editorial Policy under “Redaction Policy.”.
TopWhat IGI Global Does Not Accept
  1. Simultaneous Submissions. No manuscript may be submitted to two or more IGI Global publications at the same time. However, a manuscript rejected from one book or journal may be resubmitted to a different book or journal.
  2. Plagiarism. IGI Global takes concerns of plagiarism very seriously. All manuscripts are checked for plagiarized passages prior to being accepted for publication. Please ensure that all information taken from outside sources is properly cited and that all thoughts are composed in your own words. All instances of plagiarism will be immediately returned to the authors for correction and may be cause for removal of the manuscript from the publication. Learn more about IGI Global' Statement on Ethical Publishing Practices.
  3. Bracketed References. Do not include bracketed references in your article In-text citations must be included in the body of the article in APA format. Learn more.
  4. LaTex. LaTex files are NOT accepted because they are not compatible with IGI Global’s typesetting program. As an alternative, we require that you use MathType (see the “Equations” section).

**Please note that all journal article manuscripts MUST be submitted through eEditorial Discovery®, IGI Global's online submission management system. Manuscripts submitted outside of the system will not be considered for publication.**

Last Updated July 8, 2024