Editor Final Checklist

It is important that you provide IGI Global with ALL of the items listed below. Missing materials will delay the publication of your work.

Book Materials
The following items must be submitted by the editors, one per book.

  1. Table of contents. Include section divisions, order of the chapters, chapter titles, and authors’ names and affiliations (page numbers will be added by IGI Global). Sample Table of Contents
  2. Foreword (optional). Sample Foreword
  3. Preface. The preface must be between 3,000 and 4,000 words (7 and 8 pages) long and must follow the points outlined in the Editor’s Guide. Sample Preface
  4. Acknowledgment (optional). Sample Acknowledgment
  5. List of Editorial Advisory Board members (optional) (and their affiliations and countries; list members in alphabetical order by last name).
  6. List of the reviewers (optional) (and their affiliations and countries; list members in alphabetical order by last name). If a reviewer is also part of the EAB, include their name with the EAB only. Reviewers and EAB members should be listed in the same document.

Journal Materials
The following items must be submitted by the Editor-in-Chief, one per issue.

  1. Preface. The preface must be between 500 and 1,500 words (2 and 3 pages) long and must follow the points outlined in the Editor’s Guide. Sample Preface

Chapter/Article Materials
The following items will be provided by the contributing authors and should be included with their final submission.

  1. Final manuscript. Ensure that each manuscript is submitted in .docx format and follows all requirements outlined in the Before you Write document, including a minimum word count of 10,000 words. All materials must be professionally copy edited prior to submission. IGI Global highly recommends eContent Pro, a professional editorial services provider, for supplemental editorial services, for which IGI Global authors and editors receive a 25% discount.
  2. APA citations. It is the editor's responsibility to verify that all references are formatted precisely in APA style. Any incorrectly formatted citations should be returned to the author for correction. APA Citation Guidelines
  3. Author’s Warranty and Transfer of Copyright Agreement. Each author (including a book’s foreword author or a journal’s guest editor) must sign a copyright form. Authors must sign the agreement digitally through the eEditorial Discovery® web form.
  4. Plagiarism. Please check each submitted manuscript for plagiarism before approving it for inclusion in your book or journal.
  5. Contributing author biographies. Each contributing author must submit their brief 100-150 word biographical sketch through the eEditorial Discovery® web form. Bios must be written in third-person narrative format and should include information on present and past affiliations, degrees and honors received, and research interests. A good example of a quality bio can be found here.
  6. Postal and email addresses. Ensure that all contributing authors have provided their current postal and email addresses, as well as the correct affiliation that will appear in print.
  7. Ensure that all contributing authors have completed the requirements outlined on the Contributing Author Checklist document
  8. Ensure that all case study submissions (if any) have accompanying support materials. Case Support Material Guidelines

Other Items
These forms will not apply to every book or journal issue, but please familiarize yourself with these requirements and provide the necessary permission forms if needed.

  1. If you include a case study written by an outside author – Case Permission Form
  2. If you include the transcript of an interview – Interview Release Form

Please note that until your book or journal issue goes to print, we may still require your assistance in securing corrections to the manuscript in order to meet our guidelines and ensure the quality and completeness of all materials. Your publication cannot be sent to print without meeting these requirements.

Last Updated July 10, 2024