Call for Chapters: Navigating Complex Geopolitical Landscapes Amidst Conflict


Kiet Hoang, Can Tho University, Vietnam, Viet Nam
Hiep Tran, Dong A University, Vietnam, Viet Nam

Call for Chapters

Proposals Submission Deadline: September 1, 2024
Full Chapters Due: November 3, 2024
Submission Date: November 3, 2024


The geopolitical landscape of the 21st century is undergoing a profound transformation, catalyzed by the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. This pivotal event has precipitated a complex reconfiguration of global power dynamics, alliances, and strategic imperatives. The proposed volume, "Navigating Complex Geopolitical Contexts Amid Conflict," seeks to provide a comprehensive and multidisciplinary analysis of these seismic shifts in international relations. The Russia-Ukraine conflict, which erupted in 2022, has emerged as a critical juncture in post-Cold War geopolitics. It has challenged long-standing assumptions about European security architecture, the role of international institutions, and the balance of power among major global actors. The repercussions of this conflict extend far beyond the immediate region, reverberating across political, economic, and security domains on a global scale. This volume aims to elucidate the multifaceted implications of the conflict on the international order. It will examine how this crisis has galvanized existing trends in global politics, such as the erosion of the liberal international order, the rise of great power competition, and the increasing importance of geoeconomics in shaping state behavior. Furthermore, it will explore how the conflict has catalyzed new developments, including the reinvigoration of Western alliances, the acceleration of economic decoupling processes, and the emergence of new geopolitical fault lines. The book will adopt an interdisciplinary approach, drawing on insights from international relations theory, political economy, security studies, and area studies. This methodological pluralism will enable a nuanced understanding of the complex interplay between various factors shaping the evolving geopolitical landscape. The volume will integrate both qualitative and quantitative analyses, utilizing case studies, comparative approaches, and data-driven assessments to support its arguments and conclusions. Key themes to be addressed include the recalibration of Western alliances, particularly NATO and the European Union; the evolving dynamics between Russia and China; the positioning of emerging powers such as India and Brazil; the impact on global economic structures and energy markets; and the implications for international law and global governance mechanisms. The book will also explore the technological dimensions of this geopolitical shift, including the role of cyber warfare, information operations, and emerging military technologies in shaping the new security environment. By bringing together diverse perspectives from scholars, policymakers, and practitioners, this volume seeks to provide a comprehensive and forward-looking analysis of the changing global order. It will not only contribute to academic discourse but also offer valuable insights for decision-makers navigating this complex geopolitical terrain. The significance of this work lies in its timely examination of a pivotal moment in international relations. As the global community grapples with the immediate and long-term consequences of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, this volume will serve as an essential resource for understanding the underlying dynamics and potential trajectories of global geopolitics. In conclusion, "Navigating Complex Geopolitical Contexts Amid Conflict" aspires to be a definitive work on the geopolitical ramifications of the Russia-Ukraine conflict. By offering a multifaceted analysis of this transformative event, it aims to enhance our understanding of the evolving global order and contribute to informed decision-making in an increasingly complex international environment.


This publication aims to provide a comprehensive analysis of how the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict has influenced and reshaped the geopolitical landscape, particularly focusing on the realignment trends among major global powers. The book will explore the multifaceted consequences of this conflict on international relations, strategic alliances, and the balance of power in the 21st century. It will be structured to cover key aspects including historical context, immediate geopolitical repercussions, shifting alliances, economic implications, military and security paradigms, emerging power dynamics, implications for global governance, and future scenarios. The publication is expected to make significant contributions to the research community by providing a holistic analytical framework for understanding the complex interplay between regional conflicts and global power dynamics. By integrating insights from international relations, political science, economics, and security studies, the book will offer a multidimensional perspective on the topic. Utilizing quantitative and qualitative data, it will present evidence-based arguments and trends, enhancing the empirical foundation of geopolitical studies. The book aims to contribute to existing theories on power transitions, alliance formation, and conflict spillover effects in international relations. Moreover, this work will serve as a valuable resource for policymakers and diplomats in formulating strategic responses to the evolving global order. By providing in-depth analysis of current trends, it will bridge the gap between academic research and practical policy implications. The book will also identify gaps in current understanding and propose avenues for future research in the field of international relations and geopolitical studies.

Target Audience

The intended audience for this publication is diverse and includes academics and researchers in the fields of international relations, political science, and security studies. Policymakers, diplomats, and government officials will find it beneficial for informing their decision-making processes. Think tanks and research institutions focusing on geopolitical issues will find this book useful for their policy recommendations and reports. Military strategists and defense planners will gain insights into the changing security landscape and its implications for military doctrine and strategy. Business leaders and consultants dealing with international markets and geopolitical risk assessment will find the book's analysis valuable for their strategic planning. Graduate students in international relations, political science, and related fields will consider this book an essential read for understanding contemporary global dynamics. Journalists and media professionals covering international affairs and geopolitics will find it a comprehensive source for background information and analysis. Additionally, informed general readers with a keen interest in global affairs and geopolitics will find the book accessible and informative. By catering to this diverse audience, the publication aims to foster a more nuanced understanding of the complex geopolitical landscape shaped by the Russia-Ukraine conflict. It will provide a comprehensive framework for analyzing the ongoing power shifts and realignments among major global actors, offering insights into the potential future trajectories of international relations. The book's interdisciplinary approach will enable readers to grasp the interconnected nature of political, economic, and security aspects of this significant geopolitical event. Through its rigorous analysis and forward-looking perspective, this publication aspires to become a seminal work in the study of contemporary geopolitics. lt Will not only contribute to the academic discourse but also provide practical insights for decision-makers navigating the complex terrain of international relations in a rapidly changing world order. By examining the Russia-Ukraine conflict as a catalyst for global realignment, the book will offer a unique lens through which to understand and anticipate the evolving dynamics of power and influence in the international system.

Recommended Topics

1. Overview of the Russia-Ukraine Conflict General outline of the conflict Initial reactions of major powers 2. Changes in Western Alliances Strengthening of NATO cooperation New cohesion between the US and European allies EU's new role in regional security 3. Russia and New Force Consolidation Russia-China relations in the context of the conflict Russia's efforts to consolidate influence in former Soviet republics Cooperation between Russia and anti-Western countries 4. China and Power Balance Strategy China's stance on the conflict Impact on the Belt and Road initiative China's efforts to expand global influence 5. New Polarization in International Politics Formation of new power blocs Impact on international organizations like the UN Divisions in the international community over the Ukraine issue 6. Impact on Emerging Powers India's reaction and position Brazil and South Africa: Balancing between power blocs Turkey's role as a geopolitical bridge 7. Restructuring of Global Economic Relations Formation of new trade blocs mpact of sanctions on economic alliances De-dollarization trends and effects on the international financial system 8. Arms Race and New Technologies Increase in defense spending among major powers Military-technical cooperation between new allies Development of advanced military technologies as a means of deterrence 9. Competition for Influence in Strategic Regions Middle East: New stage for great power competition Africa: Race for resources and political influence Southeast Asia: Balancing between powers in the Indo-Pacific region 10. The Future of a Multipolar World Order Scenarios for the formation of future power blocs Potential for conflict and cooperation between major powers Long-term impact on global security structure

Submission Procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before September 1, 2024, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors will be notified by September 15, 2024 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines.Full chapters of a minimum of 10,000 words (word count includes references and related readings) are expected to be submitted by November 3, 2024, and all interested authors must consult the guidelines for manuscript submissions at prior to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-anonymized review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.

Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication, Navigating Complex Geopolitical Landscapes Amidst Conflict. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-anonymized peer review editorial process.

All proposals should be submitted through the eEditorial Discovery® online submission manager.


This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), an international academic publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. IGI Global specializes in publishing reference books, scholarly journals, and electronic databases featuring academic research on a variety of innovative topic areas including, but not limited to, education, social science, medicine and healthcare, business and management, information science and technology, engineering, public administration, library and information science, media and communication studies, and environmental science. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be released in 2025.

Important Dates

September 1, 2024: Proposal Submission Deadline
September 15, 2024: Notification of Acceptance
November 3, 2024: Full Chapter Submission
December 8, 2024: Review Results Returned
January 5, 2025: Final Acceptance Notification
January 12, 2025: Final Chapter Submission


Kiet Le Hoang Can Tho University, Vietnam Hiep Tran Xuan Dong A University, Vietnam


Education; Government and Law; Social Sciences and Humanities
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