Call for Chapters: Leveraging Blockchain for Future-Ready Libraries


Senthilkumar KR, Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, India
R. Jagajeevan, Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, India
G. Krishna Kumar, Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology, India

Call for Chapters

Proposals Submission Deadline: July 17, 2024
Full Chapters Due: September 18, 2024
Submission Date: September 18, 2024


In an increasingly digital world, libraries face the challenge of staying relevant and useful to their patrons. As repositories of knowledge and centers for community engagement, libraries must adopt innovative technologies to enhance their services and operations. Blockchain, known primarily for its role in cryptocurrency, offers transformative potential for libraries. By leveraging blockchain technology, libraries can enhance security, ensure data integrity, streamline operations, and offer new services, making them more future-ready. One of the primary advantages of blockchain technology is its enhanced security and data integrity. Blockchain operates on a decentralized ledger system where data is stored in blocks and linked using cryptographic hashes. This structure makes it nearly impossible to alter data without detection, providing a high level of security against tampering and hacking. Libraries, which handle sensitive data such as personal information of patrons and digital assets, can benefit from this robust security framework. Implementing blockchain can ensure that personal data is encrypted and stored securely, reducing the risk of data breaches. Additionally, blockchain's immutable nature guarantees that records, once entered, cannot be altered. This feature is crucial for maintaining the integrity of library archives and digital collections, ensuring that historical records remain accurate and trustworthy. In an era where digital transformation is redefining industries, libraries are at a critical juncture. Historically revered as sanctuaries of knowledge and cultural hubs, libraries now face the challenge of integrating modern technologies to remain relevant and efficient. Among the innovative technologies that hold transformative potential for libraries is blockchain. Known predominantly for its role in cryptocurrency, blockchain offers a decentralized, secure, and transparent framework that can revolutionize library operations and services. This Book explores how leveraging blockchain can make libraries future-ready by enhancing security, ensuring data integrity, streamlining operations, preserving digital content, and offering advanced patron services. As libraries continue to evolve, blockchain technology emerges as a powerful tool in their mission to uphold the integrity, accessibility, and dissemination of knowledge in the digital age.


The primary objective of this book is to explore the transformative potential of blockchain technology in modernizing and future-proofing libraries. As digital innovation continues to reshape various sectors, this book aims to provide librarians, administrators, policymakers, and technology enthusiasts with a comprehensive understanding of how blockchain can be leveraged to enhance library operations and services. Specifically, the book seeks to: Educate: Offer a detailed explanation of blockchain technology, its core principles, and its current applications beyond cryptocurrency. Explore: Examine the specific challenges libraries face in the digital age and how blockchain can address these issues, including enhancing security, ensuring data integrity, and facilitating digital preservation. Showcase: Highlight real-world case studies and examples of libraries that have successfully implemented blockchain solutions, illustrating the practical benefits and outcomes. Guide: Provide practical guidance on how libraries can implement blockchain technology, including considerations for infrastructure, training, and scalability. Innovate: Inspire libraries to envision new services and community engagement models enabled by blockchain, such as decentralized digital identities, smart contracts for digital rights management, and blockchain-based reward systems for patron engagement. Advocate: Promote the adoption of blockchain to support the principles of open access and information sharing, aligning with the core mission of libraries to democratize knowledge. Through this comprehensive exploration, the book aims to empower libraries to embrace blockchain technology, ensuring they remain dynamic, secure, and relevant in the rapidly evolving digital landscape.

Target Audience

The book is designed to cater to a diverse audience, each with a vested interest in the future of libraries and the potential of blockchain technology. The primary target audiences include: Library Professionals: Librarians, archivists, library directors, and administrators who are responsible for the management, operation, and strategic direction of libraries. This group will benefit from understanding how blockchain can streamline operations, enhance security, and improve service delivery. Policymakers and Decision-Makers: Individuals in government agencies, educational institutions, and library associations who influence policy and funding decisions. This book will provide them with insights into the potential benefits and challenges of adopting blockchain in libraries, aiding informed decision-making. Technology Enthusiasts and Innovators: IT professionals, blockchain developers, and tech entrepreneurs interested in the application of blockchain technology in new domains. This audience will find valuable information on the technical aspects of implementing blockchain in libraries and potential opportunities for innovation. Academics and Researchers: Scholars and students in the fields of library and information science, computer science, and digital humanities who are studying the intersection of technology and library services. This book will serve as a resource for research and curriculum development. Community Leaders and Advocates: Individuals and organizations dedicated to promoting open access, information equity, and community engagement. This audience will be interested in how blockchain can support the mission of libraries to democratize knowledge and serve as community hubs. Library Patrons: Engaged library users and members of the public who are interested in how emerging technologies can enhance their library experience. This group will gain insights into the potential new services and benefits that blockchain can bring to their local libraries. By addressing the needs and interests of these diverse groups, the book aims to foster a broader understanding and appreciation of how blockchain technology can contribute to the evolution of libraries in the digital age.

Recommended Topics

The book should cover a broad range of topics to comprehensively address the integration of blockchain technology in libraries. Recommended topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Introduction to Blockchain Technology: Fundamental principles of blockchain Historical development and evolution of blockchain Key features: decentralization, immutability, transparency, and security Current Applications of Blockchain: Overview of blockchain applications in various industries Lessons learned from these applications that are relevant to libraries Blockchain and Library Operations: Enhancing security for library systems and data Ensuring data integrity and preventing tampering Streamlining interlibrary loans and resource sharing Digital Rights Management and Smart Contracts: Introduction to smart contracts and their functionality Application of smart contracts for managing digital rights and licenses Case studies of libraries using blockchain for digital rights management Digital Preservation and Provenance: Challenges of digital preservation in libraries Using blockchain to ensure the provenance and authenticity of digital collections Long-term benefits of blockchain for preserving historical records and archives Blockchain for Enhanced Patron Services: Development of decentralized digital identities for patrons Blockchain-based reward systems and community engagement models Improving user experience through secure and seamless access to services Open Access and Decentralized Information Sharing: Supporting open access initiatives with blockchain Creating decentralized repositories for academic research and digital content Governance models for decentralized library networks Implementation Strategies for Libraries: Assessing the readiness of library infrastructure for blockchain integration Steps for implementing blockchain technology in libraries Training and capacity-building for library staff Scalability and Performance Considerations: Addressing scalability challenges of blockchain in library applications Hybrid approaches combining blockchain with other technologies Best practices for maintaining performance and efficiency Privacy and Data Protection: Ensuring patron privacy in blockchain implementations Compliance with data protection regulations (e.g., GDPR, CCPA) Developing robust privacy policies and protocols Case Studies and Real-World Examples: Detailed case studies of libraries that have successfully implemented blockchain solutions Analysis of outcomes, benefits, and challenges faced Lessons learned and best practices Future Trends and Innovations: Emerging trends in blockchain technology relevant to libraries Potential future applications and innovations Strategic planning for long-term adoption and integration Challenges and Considerations: Technical, financial, and organizational challenges in adopting blockchain Ethical considerations and potential risks Strategies for overcoming barriers to implementation Conclusion and Future Outlook: Summarizing the potential impact of blockchain on libraries Future directions and opportunities for research and development Encouraging proactive engagement with emerging technologies By covering these topics, the book will provide a comprehensive guide to understanding and implementing blockchain technology in libraries, helping them to become more secure, efficient, and future-ready.

Submission Procedure

Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit on or before July 17, 2024, a chapter proposal of 1,000 to 2,000 words clearly explaining the mission and concerns of his or her proposed chapter. Authors will be notified by July 31, 2024 about the status of their proposals and sent chapter guidelines.Full chapters are expected to be submitted by September 18, 2024, and all interested authors must consult the guidelines for manuscript submissions at prior to submission. All submitted chapters will be reviewed on a double-anonymized review basis. Contributors may also be requested to serve as reviewers for this project.

Note: There are no submission or acceptance fees for manuscripts submitted to this book publication, Leveraging Blockchain for Future-Ready Libraries. All manuscripts are accepted based on a double-anonymized peer review editorial process.

All proposals should be submitted through the eEditorial Discovery® online submission manager.


This book is scheduled to be published by IGI Global (formerly Idea Group Inc.), an international academic publisher of the "Information Science Reference" (formerly Idea Group Reference), "Medical Information Science Reference," "Business Science Reference," and "Engineering Science Reference" imprints. IGI Global specializes in publishing reference books, scholarly journals, and electronic databases featuring academic research on a variety of innovative topic areas including, but not limited to, education, social science, medicine and healthcare, business and management, information science and technology, engineering, public administration, library and information science, media and communication studies, and environmental science. For additional information regarding the publisher, please visit This publication is anticipated to be released in 2025.

Important Dates

July 17, 2024: Proposal Submission Deadline
July 31, 2024: Notification of Acceptance
September 18, 2024: Full Chapter Submission
October 23, 2024: Review Results Returned
November 20, 2024: Final Acceptance Notification
November 27, 2024: Final Chapter Submission


Dr. Senthilkumar KR
Sri Krishna Arts and Science College

Dr. R. Jagajeevan
Sri Krishna Arts and Science College

Dr. G. Krishna Kumar
Nehru Institute of Engineering and Technology


Business and Management; Business and Management; Computer Science and Information Technology; Computer Science and Information Technology; Library and Information Science; Library and Information Science; Media and Communications; Media and Communications
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