Visualization, Estimation and User Modeling for Interactive Browsing of Personal Photo Libraries

Visualization, Estimation and User Modeling for Interactive Browsing of Personal Photo Libraries

Qi Tian, Baback Moghaddam, Neal Lesh, Chia Shen, Thomas S. Huang
Copyright: © 2005 |Pages: 30
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-59140-569-6.ch009
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Recent advances in technology have made it possible to easily amass large collections of digital media. These media offer new opportunities and place great demands for new digital content user-interface and management systems which can help people construct, organize, navigate, and share digital collections in an interactive, face-to-face social setting. In this chapter, we have developed a user-centric algorithm for visualization and layout for content-based image retrieval (CBIR) in large photo libraries. Optimized layouts reflect mutual similarities as displayed on a two-dimensional (2D) screen, hence providing a perceptually intuitive visualization as compared to traditional sequential one-dimensional (1D) content-based image retrieval systems. A frameworkfor user modeling also allows our system to learn and adapt to a user’s preferences. The resulting retrieval, browsing and visualization can adapt to the user’s (time-varying) notions of content, context and preferences in style and interactive navigation.

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