Algebraic and Graphic Languages for OLAP Manipulations

Algebraic and Graphic Languages for OLAP Manipulations

Ravat Franck, Teste Olivier, Tournier Ronan, Zurfluh Gilles
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-717-1.ch004
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This article deals with multidimensional analyses. Analyzed data are designed according to a conceptual model as a constellation of facts and dimensions, which are composed of multi-hierarchies. This model supports a query algebra defining a minimal core of operators, which produce multidimensional tables for displaying analyzed data. This user-oriented algebra supports complex analyses through advanced operators and binary operators. A graphical language, based on this algebra, is also provided to ease the specification of multidimensional queries. These graphical manipulations are expressed from a constellation schema and they produce multidimensional tables.

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