Best Practices of News and Media Web Design: An Analysis of Content Structure, Multimedia, Social Sharing, and Advertising placements

Best Practices of News and Media Web Design: An Analysis of Content Structure, Multimedia, Social Sharing, and Advertising placements

Sonya Zhang, Samuel Lee, Karen Hovsepian, Hannah Morgia, Kelli Lawrence, Natalie Lawrence, Ashish Hingle
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6287-4.ch019
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As more print media move to online, news and media websites have evolved with increasing complexity in content, design, and monetization strategies. In this article, the authors examined and reported the web design patterns of 150 leading news and media websites in six different categories: TV news, online newspapers, online magazines, and technology news, sports news, and business news, using 28 analytics metrics in four dimensions: content structure, multimedia, social sharing, and advertising placements.
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Literature Review

Previous studies on content and media web design were either conceptual (Hasan & Abuelrub, 2011) or case studies of a single website (Singh et al., 2014). This limitation is probably due to the difficulty of gaining access to the internal analytics data. In this study we focus on the web design practice of reputable and popular websites across six categories. Since we do not have access to the internal analytics data such as visitor traffic, page views, or ad revenue, we focus on four predominant dimensions that we are able to collect from the user interfaces: content structure, multimedia, social sharing, and ad placements.

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