Fuzzy Random Periodic Review Mixture Inventory Model With Shortage Dependent Backorder Rate

Fuzzy Random Periodic Review Mixture Inventory Model With Shortage Dependent Backorder Rate

Wasim F. Khan, Oshmita Dey
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/IJAL.309982
(Individual Articles)
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In most real-life inventory situations, it is observed that, during stock out period, an increase in the amount of shortage results in a decrease in the rate of backorder incurred. Therefore, backorder rate is dependent on shortages, and it may be assumed to be inversely proportional to the shortages. The present research describes a periodic review inventory model with a mixture of backorder and lost sales where the backorder rate is a control parameter. Furthermore, to incorporate two different types of uncertainties i.e., fuzziness and randomness, here the annual customer demand, lead-time demand and the lead-time plus one period's demand have been assumed to be continuous fuzzy random variable following the normal distribution with associated fuzzy probability density functions. An algorithm has been proposed to find the optimal backorder rate, the optimal period of review along with the target inventory level so that the crisp equivalent of the fuzzy random total annual inventory cost is a minimum.
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1. Introduction

It is intuitively known that any business should be reviewed periodically for the purpose of monitoring and controlling it so that suitable measures can be taken in a timely manner for its smooth and efficient running. In this context IJAL.309982.m01 periodic review inventory system is a suitable mathematical model. In this review system, the inventory level is examined periodically at equal intervals of time IJAL.309982.m02and then an order is placed so that it brings the inventory up to a target level IJAL.309982.m03 (Hadley, 1963). Now, in an inventory system, when an item is out of stock then shortages occur. In real life situation, in case of shortage, some customers may wait for their orders (backorder) and some may refuse their orders (lost sales). Therefore in reality, shortage leads to a mixture of backorders and lost sales. In this regard, Montgomery et al. (1973) introduced inventory model with mixture of backorders and lost sales. Further it is observed that, an increase in shortage results in a decrease in backorder rate incurred (Ouyang and Chuang, 2001). This makes intuitive since increase in shortage may lead to more customers being unwilling to wait for their orders to arrive and may orders elsewhere. Also as observed in Ouyang and Chuang (2001) and Lee (2005), as shortage occur, the length of the lead-time increases, thereby incurring more shortages and eventually leading to a smaller backorder rate.

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