Dr. Constantine Passaris explains the creation of Internetization in the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition

Replacing Globalization with the Internet: Interview with Dr. Constantine Passaris

By IGI Global on Jul 12, 2018
Dr. Constantine PassarisIt is no surprise that due to technology the world is interconnected more than ever. But what do we call this interconnectivity of the masses? How do we describe this global phenomenon that has gripped society, businesses and governmental institutions? Currently, many writers, academics, and media outlets are calling it the globalization of technology, but the word globalization goes back thousands of years and seems unfit for this constantly evolving electronic and digital beast.

Dr. Constantine Passaris, professor of economics at the University of New Brunswick, points to the solution of explaining the technological phenomenon with his word “Internetization" in his article, "The Economics of Internetization" in the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition.

The Creation of the Concept of Internalization

“A few years ago, I was preparing a lecture on globalization. In that lecture, I wanted to use the word globalization as one of the pillars of the new global economy of the 21st century. I racked my brain trying to find a modern equivalent of the word globalization,” explained Dr. Passaris.

After many hours of contemplation, he resorted to wordsmithing and crafted the term “Internetization.”

Internetization explains how globalization is occurring because of electronic platforms. Passaris’ word includes the global linkages of the word globalization and extends them by embracing the electronic connectivity and empowerment that the internet brings to the current age.

“Internalization has made time and geography irrelevant,” continued Dr. Passaris. "The concept has sped up communications and made daily tasks easier and more efficient."

Internetization is Changing Every Facet of Modern Society.

It is apparent that Internetization is the driving force in many societies and economies, it is even becoming a great equalizer in education. The internet is bringing together the academic and learning community regardless of where they are geographically. Whether it is an advanced or a developing country, students and teachers now have access to high-quality teaching materials. Additionally, the concept is empowering professionals, scientists, and other specialists with an efficient and easy method to seek new qualifications and learn new skills.

The concept is not only creating a more open and engaging learning environment, but it has transformed governmental and international relations. It has created a higher level of transparency between governmental institutions and citizens by engaging citizens in the decision-making process. Now governmental institutions are digitalizing governmental reports and policies for the public to see, and social media and non-governmental organizations have used Internetization to uncover government corruption.

"Internetization has also redefined the illicit side of international relations. In effect, the glamour of James Bond spies operating in foreign countries has been replaced by virtual intelligence gathering and electronic eavesdropping," added Dr. Passaris.

Challenges of Internetization

While Internetization has created numerous opportunities in various industries and disciplines, it has also created darker opportunities. From cyber-attacks to identity theft, the new style of globalization has spurred the growth of cybersecurity for individuals, government, and businesses. Additionally, Internetization has the potential to drastically change how wars are fought.

"I believe in the near future the most important military offensive weapons will become the strategic and targeted use of Internetization. In this context, countries will develop among their military arsenals the tactics to utilize their digital capacity in order to deliver targeted virtual cyber-attacks to foreign national assets and enemy countries."

Internetization is infiltrating its way into nearly every facet of society and creating opportunities for great advancement and great chaos. While this concept is ever-evolving, it is important to continuously study this new technological frontier and understand its uncharted territory.
A sincere thanks to Dr. Constantine Passaris for taking time out of his busy schedules to collaborate with IGI Global and for sharing his thoughts on Internetization. To read more about Dr. Passaris research, be sure to check out his article in the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition. Additionally, IGI Global is offering a 50% discount for the Encyclopedia to ensure that this comprehensive, 10-volume set is readily available to institutions of all sizes. Featuring 705 original and previously unpublished research articles contributed by thousands of leading industry experts, this authoritative encyclopedia spans information science management and new technologies in modern settings, including, but not limited to, computer science, education, healthcare, government, engineering, business, and natural and physical sciences. In addition to this discount, receive the complimentary e-books for the first, second, and third editions with the purchase of the Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, Fourth Edition e-book.

Available in print and electronic, this publication is a valuable resource for institutions interested in new and emerging research. So be sure to share this discount with your customers! Purchase this publication today!

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Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not reflect the views of IGI Global.
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