"Olfactory Effects on Human Behavior within a Simulation Experiment" offered for free access

The Mystery of How Smell Affects Human Behavior

By IGI Global on Dec 5, 2016
The Mystery of How Smell Effects Human BehaviorEven without conscious acknowledgement, the impact of smell can elicit strong emotional response. Triggered by life experiences and memories, even "good" smells are completely relative and elicit entirely different responses, depending on the individual, segment or culture.

This phenomena is illustrated in the Scientific American article "Do scents affect people's moods or work performance?" In the mid-60's in Britain, researchers ran an experiment where adult test subjects were asked to rate a variety of common odors, one being the smell of wintergreen. A few years later, a similar study was conducted in the United States with the smell of wintergreen as well. In Britain, the smell was given one of the lowest pleasantness ratings, while in the US, it received the highest pleasantness rating. History explains this disparity. In Britain, the smell of wintergreen is associated with medicine and, particularly for the participants in the 1966 study, with analgesics that were popular during WWII (a time that these individuals would not remember fondly). In the US, the smell of wintergreen is exclusively a candy mint smell and one that has very positive connotations.

The research "Olfactory Effects on Human Behavior within a Simulation Experiment" tests how the smell of peppermint, in this case, effects a test segment of individuals when presented with an economic problem. Authors from Department of Statistics and Operations Research, University of Graz, Austria, Tanja Feit and Ulrike Leopold-Wildburger, pose the question: How are people are influenced by olfactory stimulation while solving a problem? The purpose of this paper is to analyze the relationship between an olfactory simulation experiment and the output of work and success in problem solving.

This research is featured in the International Journal of Decision Support System Technology, a resource providing comprehensive coverage of DMSS technology issues. The issues can involve, among other things, new hardware and software for DMSS, new models to deliver decision making support, dialog management between the user and system, data and model base management within the system, output display and presentation, DMSS operations, and DMSS technology management. Since the technology's purpose is to improve decision making, the articles are expected to link DMSS technology to improvements in the process and outcomes of the decision making process.

Access "Olfactory Effects on Human Behavior within a Simulation Experiment" here.

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