Navigating the Evolution of Hybrid Intelligence:

Mathematical Foundations, Augmented Analytics, and Human-Centered Problem-Solving in Modern Business Environments

By IGI Global on Nov 8, 2023
0In 1992, Prof. Alexander P. Ryjov's pioneering work on hybrid intelligence systems and a publication from 1985 laid the mathematical foundations for this field, underlining analytics' pivotal role in informed decision-making across domains. The chapter, in the Handbook of Research on Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Business Analytics (ISBN:9781799890164), presents the hybrid intelligence approach, exploring its distinct analytical capabilities, collaborative human-AI problem-solving, and human-centered evaluation framework. IGI Global's reference books stand out with rapid delivery of cutting-edge insights, offering immediate access to current trends. This agility ensures scholars remain at the forefront of their fields, underscoring IGI Global's role in advancing timely and relevant knowledge sharing globally.
Handbook of Research on Foundations and Applications of Intelligent Business Analytics
Profs. Zhaohao Sun and Zhiyou Wu
©2022 | 425 pgs. | ISBN: 9781799890164
  • Suitable for Engineers, Professors, Practitioners, Researchers,
    and Industry Professionals
  • Covers Topics such as Augmented Analytics, Data Processing,
    & Metaverse
  • An Excellent Addition to Yor Library
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Preview the chapter "Principles of a Hybrid Intelligence Framework for Augmented Analytics" HERE.

Prof. Alexander Ryjov's Question & Answer

How does your professional background support your ability to be an authority on this book's coverage?

Prof. Ryjov: My professional background navigates areas of cybersecurity, information technology, and information security (GRC). I have great experience in increasing technology adoption levels in different sectors.
Also, as part of my training, I can mention a few achievements with highly recognized programs such as the Minister’s Leadership Development Program (MLP) and Data Science: Machine Learning by Harvard, Digital Capabilities for Policy Makers (IMF-CEF) by the International Monetary Fund's Middle East Center for Economics & Finance & the World Bank.
I’ve also attended numerous seminars and conferences, such as The 3rd Gulf Cyber Security, GISEC Global, Towards a Common Artificial Intelligence Strategy for Arab States by ITU and UNESCO, and many more.
And I have provided speeches in the technology field, for example in the Agricultural Marketing and Electronic Application Workshop by the Ministry of Environment, Water and Agriculture, my speech was about technology applications in the agriculture sector. Another speech imparted about autonomous vehicles for the Symposium on the Future of Self-Driving Vehicles between Reality and Ambition by KAUST & National Digital Transformation Unit.
What was the driving force or motivation for starting your chapter?
Prof. Ryjov: My motivation for this project was driven by a simple yet profound realization, analytics stands as a paramount driver of success within today's competitive and rapidly evolving business landscape. It empowers individuals, businesses, social groups, and governmental organizations to glean insights from the past, embracing lessons from both failures and triumphs, comprehending present strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, and envisaging future scenarios. The contemporary analytics landscape encompasses sophisticated techniques like Big Data and Artificial Intelligence. Nonetheless, it remains evident that computer-based analytics falls short in comparison to human analysis, particularly when confronted with intricate problems. This paradox stems from the fact that while computers excel in computation, memory, and information processing, they lack intuition, common sense, and a holistic understanding of the intricate world. This renders humans more adept at navigating complex analytical challenges, while computers thrive in simpler problem-solving. Drawing from my background in crafting human-computer intelligent systems tailored to assess the status and oversee the trajectory of multifaceted processes across various domains, I believed that this experience in tackling intricate analytical predicaments would intrigue the readership of
this book.

What specific problems does your chapter address?

Prof. Ryjov: The chapter focuses on addressing specific challenges related to the integration of Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in collaborative problem-solving across various analytical tasks. It seeks to explore the feasibility and potential of creating Hybrid Intelligence systems that achieve optimal performance, aiming to determine the best possible approach for organizing cooperative interaction between these two distinct yet complementary forms of intelligence.

How does your chapter provide a solution to these problems?

Prof. Ryjov: This chapter introduces the Hybrid Intelligence approach by focusing on its unique analytical capabilities. The state-of-the-art in Hybrid Intelligence symbiosis and cooperative interaction between Human Intelligence and Artificial Intelligence in solving a wide range of practical tasks and one of the Hybrid Intelligence frameworks. A human-centered approach to the evaluation and monitoring of complex processes has been considered in this chapter. The chapter presents the basic principles of developing such systems, their mathematical foundations and analytical capabilities, as well as use cases.

What special organizations, or other professional affiliations give you experience in the areas covered by this chapter?

Prof. Ryjov: The first was the Intelligent System for Monitoring and Evaluation of Peaceful Nuclear Activities developed for the IAEA. Further, the System for Evaluation and Monitoring of Risks of Cardiovascular Disease was developed jointly with the National Medical Research Center for Therapy Preventive Medicine of the Ministry of the Healthcare of the Russian Federation and System Evaluation and Monitoring of Design Projects in Microelectronics for the Cadence Design Systems. I am very grateful to the specialists of these organizations for the fruitful joint work, especially professors N.M. Ahkmedzhanov and R.G. Oganov from National Medical Research Center for Therapy Preventive Medicine (Russia); professor L.A. Zadeh from Berkeley, California (USA); professors E. Kerre and G. de Cooman from Gent University (Belgium); professor Y. Nishiwaki from Osaka University (Japan); Mr. A. Fattah from IAEA (Austria); Mr. W.-E. Matzke from Cadence Design Systems (Germany).

Have you been recognized for academic excellence or other related achievements in this field of study?

Prof. Ryjov: Throughout my academic journey in this field of study, I have been honored for my achievements and contributions. Here are the three most relevant awards I've received:
Additionally, I have been recognized through the following honors and awards:
  • 2015: The GENERALI Alumni Achievement Award Awarded by IEDC - Bled School of Management, this accolade recognizes exceptional career accomplishments, leadership, innovation, and social contributions among IEDC alumni. The award is presented annually at the Alumni Achievement Forum.
  • 2018: IAC Distinguished Leadership Award on CIO & Digital Development Conferred by the International Academy of CIO, this award acknowledges my outstanding leadership and unwavering support for the successful progress of IAC, as endorsed by the IAC Executive Committee and the Annual Meeting of IAC on June 29, 2018.
  • Acknowledgments and Certificates of Honor for Research and Education Excellence In recognition of my excellence in research and education, I have received acknowledgments and certificates of honor from esteemed institutions such as Lomonosov Moscow State University in 2010 and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration in 2016. These acknowledgments underscore my commitment to advancing knowledge and education in
    the field.
About Prof. Alexander Ryjov
Alexander Ryjov is a Professor, Doctor of Sciences, has 30+ years of the combined business, advanced research, and teaching experience. Alexander has a Ph.D. in Mathematics, a D.Sc. in Engineering, Executive MBA from Bled School of Management. He is a professor at Lomonosov Moscow State University (mathematics) and head of the Chair at Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (high-tech business), a member of two authorizing Ph.D. Boards. He has100+ scientific publications, including 6 books and chapters in 14 books.

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