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Living Brain Cells in Computers

By IGI Global on May 19, 2023
molecule Researchers at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign have built a simple computer that uses 80,000 living brain cells from mice to recognize patterns of light and electricity. The concept could potentially be used in robotics, or alongside living muscle tissues. The use of living brain cells, instead of artificial intelligence algorithms, is a novel approach that could lead to more advanced and sophisticated computing systems. A better understanding of Neural Networks is necessary, and the established book, Avatar-Based Control, Estimation, Communications, and Development of Neuron Multi-Functional Technology Platforms (ISBN: 9781799815815) published by IGI Global, provides a groundbreaking and comprehensive guide to using artificial and natural approaches in neuron-based programs, including neurolinguistics and smart data storage. By combining optimization techniques, hardware and software tools, and communication technologies, this book provides scholars with the tools they need to develop innovative applications and solutions that are firmly grounded in realistic biological model.
Avatar-Based Control, Estimation, Communications, and Development of Neuron Multi-Functional Technology Platforms
Profs. Vardan Mkrttchian et. al.
© 2020 | 355 pgs. | ISBN13: 9781799815815
  • Covers Topics such as Cloud-Based Applications, Smart Data Storage, and Software-Defined Networking
  • Ideal for Scientists, Field Experts, Professors, and Students
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Profs. Vardan Mkrttchian, HHH University, Australia; Ekaterina Aleshina, Penza State University, Russia; and Leyla Gamidullaeva, Penza State University, RussiaProfs. Vardan Mkrttchian, HHH University, Australia; Ekaterina Aleshina, Penza State University, Russia; and Leyla Gamidullaeva, Penza State University, Russia
Avatar-Based Control, Estimation, Communications, and Development (A-BCEC&D) Technology is a global phenomenon similar to Blockchain. From the computer science and technological perspective, A-BCEC&D Technology is a type of distributed computing and database systems with the idea of decentralization realized on modern global data networks for knowledge discovering. From the angle of social science, on the other hand, the Avatar-Based Control, Estimation, Communications, and Development Technology is an evolution that has been revolutionary, changing or impacting economics and becoming strategic practices for industries and the whole society.

– Profs. Vardan Mkrttchian, HHH University, Australia; Ekaterina Aleshina, Penza State University, Russia; and Leyla Gamidullaeva, Penza State University, Russia
About the Editors
Vardan Mkrttchian received his Doctorate of Sciences (Engineering) in Control Systems from Lomonosov Moscow State University (former USSR). Dr. Vardan Mkrttchian taught undergraduate and graduate information and control system courses at the Astrakhan State University (Russian Federation) science 2010, where he is the Professor of the Information and Control Systems Department (www.aspu.ru). He is currently chief executive and rector and leader of the international academic scientist’s team of HHH University, Australia, (www.hhhuniversity.com). He also serves as executive director of the HHH Technology Incorporation. Professor Vardan Mkrttchian has authored over 300 refereed publications He is the author of over twenty books in information technology, control system theory, electronics, and cloud and virtual education technology. He also has authored more than 150 articles published in various conference proceedings and journals.
Ekaterina Aleshina graduated from Penza State Pedagogical University, the Faculty of Foreign Languages with English as a major and German as a minor (Philology), getting qualifications of a teacher of English and German. E. Aleshina got her PhD in History from the above university in 2006 followed by the title of associate professor in 2008. In 2009-2010, E. Aleshina was doing Fulbright Faculty Development Program in Southern Connecticut State University (USA). While in the USA, she was invited as guest speaker to several universities and high schools. In 2010-2014, E. Aleshina was head of department of English and English Language Teaching Methodology at Penza State Pedagogical University, now she is head of department of Foreign Languages and FLT Methodology at Penza State University. Currently, E. Aleshina is doing her doctoral research in the specificity of political communication at Moscow Pedagogical State University. She has authored about 50 publication featuring interdisciplinary issues and approaches.
Leyla Gamidullaeva graduated from Penza State University, the Faculty of Economics and Management, getting qualifications of an economist. Gamidullaeva got her PhD in Economics from Penza State University of Architecture and Construction in 2010, followed by the title of associate professor in 2018. Now, she is associate professor at the department of management and economic security of Penza State University. Currently, Gamidullaeva is doing her doctoral research in the regional innovation system management at St. Petersburg State University. She has authored more than 200 refereed publications and over 10 books in innovation management, regional economic growth, networking, and collaboration.

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