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Convert Your Previously Published Work to Open Access

By Erin Watson on Feb 1, 2022
As open access (OA) publishing becomes more widespread and continues to gain popularity among researchers due to its many benefits, some may be disappointed that their past work was published in a time when open access was not available to them and are wondering if there is anything they can do to change the access status of their publications.
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IGI Global understands that accessibility to research content can greatly improve its impact and as such we are pleased to offer a retrospective OA program that allows authors to unlock their previously published book chapters, journal articles, and even full books to Open Access (OA). Authors pay a reduced Article Processing Charge (APC), Chapter Processing Charge (CPC), or Book Processing Charge (BPC), and the copyright for the work will be transferred back to them as it will be converted to a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) licensing arrangement which will allow the authors to distribute the work freely as they please without any restrictions.
So let’s take a look at all of the different considerations and benefits of this program.
Benefits of Retrospective Open Access
Open Access (OA) content benefits from increased discoverability and 89% higher download rates. The OA model is highly beneficial as it provides researchers, academicians, and students around the world complete access to high-quality research contents. Choosing to publish under OA also:
  • Allows authors to make sure that their valuable and impactful research is freely accessible to everyone.
  • Increases the visibility, discoverability, and notoriety for the work.
  • Increases the sharing opportunities of the content, which in turn, increases the citation rates.
  • Improves the chances of the source (the full book or journal) being indexed in a prestigious index such as Scopus or Web of Science.
  • Aids with career development and advancement of academicians.
  • Provides unique networking and collaboration opportunities.
IGI Global has already seen tremendous success in its recent journal conversions to Gold Open Access (OA). Numerous journals have tripled their citation rates and impact factors.
License Conversion and Sharing Capabilities
copyright Authors who previously published their work under the traditional publishing model would have signed an Author’s Warranty and Transfer of Copyright Agreement that transferred the copyright of their work to the publisher. When a journal article, book chapter, or full book publication is converted to open access, the copyright returns to the authors of the manuscript under the CC BY 4.0 license.
IGI Global publishes open access with the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) license, which allows the copyright of the work to remain solely with the authors and allows for others to distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon the work, even commercially, without asking prior permissions from the publisher or author and so long as they credit the author for the original creation. The CC BY 4.0 license opens greater sharing capabilities for authors who wish to maximize the visibility of their published work.
It is important to note that work published under the traditional publishing model (standard access) does have some limited sharing capabilities under IGI Global’s Fair Use Policy, however, Open Access (OA) really allows substantially more options and flexibility. The below chart further exemplifies the differences between the traditional publishing model (standard access) fair use options and the Open Access CC BY 4.0 license.
Traditional Publishing Model
(Standard Access) (Fair Use Policy)
Open Access Publishing
(CC BY 4.0 License)
Can post the final typeset PDF of the chapter on the author’s secure personal website.
Can post the final typeset PDF of the chapter on the author’s university repository site.
Can share the formally accepted and planned for publication (pre-publication posting).
Can post the chapter on general open access sites and repositories for free download and distribution such as ResearchGate, arXiv,, SSRN, or society-sponsored sites.
Can use in a course pack
Must secure written permission from IGI Global
Can be given to a third party to post, copy, distribute, sell, or give for free or for any monetary consideration.
Can republish the chapter in a future book publication that they are authoring or editing.
Must secure written permission from IGI Global
Can republish the chapter in a future book publication.
Note: Under the Fair Use Policy, authors may only use the final typeset PDF version of their manuscript. Under Open Access (OA), authors may use the formally accepted and planned for publication version or the final typeset PDF version for sharing purposes. However, authors are asked to link back to the published version on IGI Global’s website and whenever possible, the final published version of the manuscript should overwrite any pre-publication posting.
Conversion Pricing
open access piggy bank Because under OA the work will no longer be generating any revenue, open access processing charges will be required to help offset the costs associated with online hosting, third-party software and collaborations including the long-term preservation of the work through LOCKSS and CLOCKSS, promotional support, submission to prestigious indices and OA repositories, editorial and production work, etc., and contributes to the equitable research landscape by making high-quality research available to those who might not previously have been able to afford it.
Because the work would have existed under the standard access model for a certain period of time, the processing charges – Article Processing Charges (APCs) for journal articles, Chapter Processing Charges (CPCs) for book chapters, and Book Processing Charges (BPCs) for full book publications, is offered at a discounted rate (the base price and copyright year dictates the reduced amount), as indicated in the charts below:
Retrospective Open Access APC Rates (Journal Articles)
Copyright of Previously Published WorkJournals with
US $2,300 APC
(Base Price for Newly Published)
Journals with
US $1,800 APC
(Base Price for Newly Published)
Journals with
US $1,300 APC
(Base Price for Newly Published)
Journals with
US $1,050 APC
(Base Price for Newly Published)
2022US $2,000US $1,500US $1,000US $750
2021US $1,500US $750US $500US $375
2020US $1,500US $750US $500US $375
2019US $1,500US $750US $500US $375
2018US $800US $600US $400US $300
2017US $800US $600US $400US $300
2016US $700US $525US $350US $265
2015US $700US $525US $350US $265
2014US $700US $525US $350US $265
< 2014US $700US $525US $350US $265
Book Chapters
Copyright of Previously Published WorkRetrospective Open Access CPC Rates (Book Chapters)
Note: US $2,300 is the current base price for newly published OA book chapters.
2022US $2,000
2021US $1,500
2020US $1,500
2019US $1,500
2018US $800
2017US $800
2016US $700
2015US $700
2014US $700
< 2014US $700
For full book retrospective OA pricing, please contact
Funding Considerations and Options
Any IGI Global contributor who has earned royalties or honorariums on their projects can use the amount toward unlocking one or more of their previously published journal articles or book chapters.
Some OA funders provide provisions for authors to open their work retrospectively. For a list of OA funding organizations, please visit the Open Access Funding Resources page.
IGI Global’s Open Access Fee Waiver (Read & Publish) Initiative (a transformative agreement) can offer retrospective OA funding opportunities to authors at institutions that have formed agreements with IGI Global. When a library acquires an IGI Global e-Book and/or e-Journal Collection, the faculty’s published work is considered for conversion to Open Access (CC BY License), at no additional cost to the library or its faculty (cost only applies to the e-Collection content being acquired). To search if an institution has an agreement, recommend an institution to form an agreement, or to simply learn more about this process, please visit the Open Access Fee Waiver Initiative page.
How To Get Started
If interested in converting a previously published journal article, book chapter, or full book publication to OA, please contact IGI Global’s Open Access Division at
For more information on open access publishing, please visit IGI Global’s Open Access Publishing page. If you are interested in publishing a new open access book or in having a translated version of a previously published work republished as open access, please contact the Acquisitions Division of IGI Global’s Editorial Content Department at
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Founded in 1988, IGI Global, an international academic publisher, is committed to producing the highest quality research (as an active full member of the Committee on Publication Ethics “COPE”) and ensuring the timely dissemination of innovative research findings through an expeditious and technologically advanced publishing process. Through their commitment to supporting the research community ahead of profitability, and taking a chance on virtually untapped topic coverage, IGI Global has been able to collaborate with over 150,000+ researchers from some of the most prominent research institutions around the world to publish the most emerging, peer-reviewed research across 350+ topics in 11 subject areas including business, computer science, education, engineering, social sciences, and more. Learn More About IGI Global >

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