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Volume 3, Issue 1
Published: Jul 16, 2024
DOI: 10.4018/IJSSTA.346964
Volume 3
Rohit Rastogi
In the populated and developing countries, governments consider the regulation and protection of environment as a major task and should take into consideration the concept of Smart Environment... Show More
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Rastogi, Rohit. "Air Quality Investigation Pre-COVID-19: Empirical Study of Three Years for North Indian Zone to Extract Wisdom for Human Health." IJSSTA vol.3, no.1 2024: pp.1-14.


Rastogi, R. (2024). Air Quality Investigation Pre-COVID-19: Empirical Study of Three Years for North Indian Zone to Extract Wisdom for Human Health. International Journal of Smart Sensor Technologies and Applications (IJSSTA), 3(1), 1-14.


Rastogi, Rohit. "Air Quality Investigation Pre-COVID-19: Empirical Study of Three Years for North Indian Zone to Extract Wisdom for Human Health," International Journal of Smart Sensor Technologies and Applications (IJSSTA) 3, no.1: 1-14.

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