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What is Continual Improvement Process

Innovation, Strategy, and Transformation Frameworks for the Modern Enterprise
A systematic and ongoing approach used by organizations to enhance their products, services, processes, and overall performance over time. It involves identifying areas for improvement, setting objectives, implementing changes, and evaluating the results in a continuous cycle.
Published in Chapter:
Optimizing Patient Flow in Emergency Care Units and Lean Healthcare
Andrei Bonamigo (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil), Patricia Mendonça Maia Bernardes (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil), Luiz Felipe Conrado (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil), and Robisom Damasceno Calado (Fluminense Federal University, Brazil)
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-0458-7.ch007
The healthcare industry faces challenges in delivering high-quality care with limited resources. Inefficiencies like long waiting times and excessive staff workload contribute to patient dissatisfaction. Lean methodology, specifically Lean Healthcare, offers improvement opportunities. However, barriers to implementation exist, including resistance from healthcare practitioners. This chapter proposes solutions for implementing Lean principles in healthcare. It suggests adapting vocabulary and symbols for a patient-centered approach, grouping patients into “patient pathways” for process efficiency, addressing employee feedback, collecting process data for evidence-based decision-making, and maximizing human resources. Clear communication, employee motivation, and ongoing improvement efforts are crucial. Implementing Lean effectively improves efficiency, patient satisfaction, and healthcare quality.
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Single-Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) and Lean Healthcare: Reducing Patient Journey in Emergency Care Units
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