Workplace Cyberbullying: Understanding, Prevention, and Intervention

Workplace Cyberbullying: Understanding, Prevention, and Intervention

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 36
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1139-4.ch007
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Workplace cyberbullying, a prevalent and evolving challenge in contemporary professional environments, involves the use of electronic communication platforms to harass, intimidate, or harm individuals within the workplace. This chapter provides an overview of the key aspects of workplace cyberbullying, including its manifestations, contributing factors, and strategies for prevention and intervention. Workplace cyberbullying encompasses a range of behaviors such as online harassment, exclusion, impersonation, and the spread of false information. The digital landscape provides a platform for negative interactions that extend beyond traditional forms of workplace bullying, affecting individuals psychologically, professionally, and the overall workplace culture. Several factors contribute to the occurrence of workplace cyberbullying, including power imbalances, strained relationships, and organizational culture.
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Impact Of Workplace Cyberbullying On Individuals

The impact of workplace cyberbullying on individuals is profound and multifaceted, affecting various aspects of their professional and personal well-being. The consequences can be detrimental, leading to emotional distress, diminished job performance, and a hostile work environment (Kalyar et al.,2020).

Individuals subjected to workplace cyberbullying often experience heightened levels of anxiety and stress. The constant fear of online harassment or negative interactions can contribute to a toxic work environment. Prolonged exposure to cyberbullying can lead to depression, affecting an individual's mood, motivation, and overall mental health. Feelings of isolation and helplessness may intensify as the cyberbullying persists (Loh et al.,2020).

Workplace cyberbullying can result in decreased productivity as individuals may find it challenging to focus on their tasks amid the emotional toll of the online harassment. The negative impact on job satisfaction is common among those facing cyberbullying. The workplace, instead of being a source of fulfillment, becomes associated with distress and discomfort. Individuals may resort to absenteeism as a coping mechanism, choosing to disengage from the workplace physically or mentally to escape the online harassment. Stalled Career Progression: Cyberbullying can impede career growth, as individuals may hesitate to take on new challenges or opportunities due to the fear of increased online harassment (Anwar et al.,2020).

Negative online interactions can damage an individual's professional reputation, potentially affecting their relationships with colleagues, superiors, and clients. The stress and anxiety resulting from workplace cyberbullying can lead to sleep disturbances, including insomnia, impacting an individual's physical health. Some individuals may experience psychosomatic symptoms, such as headaches, digestive issues, or other physical manifestations of the stress induced by cyberbullying. Workplace cyberbullying may lead individuals to withdraw from social interactions with colleagues, contributing to feelings of isolation and alienation (Kowalski et al.,2017).

The overall team dynamics may suffer as a result of cyberbullying, affecting collaboration, communication, and trust among team members. Dealing with workplace cyberbullying can be emotionally draining, leading to a sense of exhaustion and burnout. Victims of cyberbullying may experience feelings of shame and guilt, even though they are not responsible for the negative behaviors directed towards them. The emotional toll of workplace cyberbullying can extend beyond the professional sphere, straining personal relationships with family and friends. Individuals may find it challenging to maintain a healthy work-life balance as the stress from cyberbullying permeates into their personal lives (Charoensukmongkol et al.,2020).

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