Women Leaders in HEIs and Beyond: Advancing SDGs in the Philippines

Women Leaders in HEIs and Beyond: Advancing SDGs in the Philippines

DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-1834-8.ch003
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This chapter highlights the pivotal role of women leaders in the Philippines advancing the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) with a particular focus on higher education institutions (HEIs) and their contribution to food security, equal access to education, gender equality, and climate change mitigation. It underscores the significance of women leadership across various sectors, including higher education, government, environmental management, and policy making. Using the grounded theory approach to qualitative research, the study discusses how the women leaders' initiatives in HEIs and other development projects work towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals. The need for continued support and recognition of their vital role underscores the transformative impact of women leaders in driving sustainable development in the Philippines and collective commitment required to achieve these global goals. The significant role of media, particularly journalism, is also emphasized in pursuing the SDGs.
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The pursuit of sustainable development is one of the defining challenges of the 21st century, and the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) have emerged as a global blueprint for addressing complex and interrelated issues. According to the United Nations (UN): fighting poverty, fighting inequality, saving the planet, sustainability, inclusivity and sustainable development and economic growth are linked. (UNDESA, n.d.)

The sustainable development goals aim to change our world and to end world hunger and ensure equality, protect our environment and make sure that all have good health, justice and equality. (WHO, 2018)

Here is the UN SDGs Framework simplified as illustrated in Figure 1 below: (1) No to poverty; (2) Zero hunger; (3) Good health and well-being; (4) Quality education; (5) Gender equality; (6) Clean water and sanitation; (7) Affordable clean energy; (8 Decent work and economic growth; (9) Industry, innovation and infrastructure; (10) Reduced inequalities; (11) Sustainable cities and communities; (12) Responsible consumption and production; (13) Climate action; (14) Life below water; (15) Life on land; (16) Peace, justice and strong institutions; (17) Partnerships for the goals.

Figure 1.

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations SDGs, n.d.)


Key Terms in this Chapter

Leadership and Decision-Making: Empowering women to take on leadership roles within educational institutions is an essential component of gender equality in higher education.

Women’s Participation in Research: Encouraging women’s participation in research and innovation is vital for academic and economic development.

Feminism: Women mainstreaming gender issues in the social development sphere and advancing feminist discourse

Data Collection and Monitoring: Collecting gender-disaggregated data on enrollment, retention, and performance in higher education can help identify disparities and track progress toward gender equality goals.

Inclusive Education: Active participation of students, families, educators, and other community members in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of educational programs and services that meet the needs for all students; to ensure that all students have an opportunity to learn and participate in their school community’s life.

Addressing Gender-Based Violence: Creating a safe and respectful environment within educational institutions is critical.

Equal Access to Higher Education: Ensuring that women have equal access to higher education is a fundamental aspect of achieving gender equality.

Promoting Women’s Networks and Support Systems: Establishing networks and support systems for women in higher education can provide mentorship, peer support, and a platform for advocacy and gender-related issues.

Promoting STEM Education: Encouraging women to pursue studies and careers in science, technology and engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields is crucial.

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