Women Empowerment Through Technology in India

Women Empowerment Through Technology in India

Darshankumar Patel
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 15
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6118-1.ch014
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The goal of this chapter is to evaluate the relation between women's empowerment and technological capabilities, since innovation had already transformed the way people think, perceive, interact, as well as work in diverse workplace environments. Innovation has indeed influenced global modifications, and it is especially seen as a major opportunity for women. Technological advances have the potential to expand economic advantages, and computer technologies to facilitate trade and connect directly to national and international markets to growth throughout. Also in terms of gender equity, it has now become legitimate in recent years to continue providing safeguards at working places in addition to those other necessary amenities. Technology, as an important tool, now appears to be playing an important role in women's advancement and provides an opportunity for their own empowerment throughout this post-modern era. This chapter intends to identify the factors that influence women's participation in technology and address issues related to it.
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ICTs have the possibilities to enhance exchange of information and empower current societal marginalized people. In responding to use of social equality and women’s rights in the 1970s, the term “women's empowerment” was popularized. As the term got popular inside the 1990s, this was increasingly sometimes used explain oppressed women who lacked the choice and freedom as well as intervention to form their own lifestyles, and to discuss women's participation in a variety of fields (Anitha et al., 2008). It has recently used as a results and a main objective to achieve the balance of equality of the sexes and equity scales. The definition of women's empowerment used in this study is a procedure by which oppressed women gain this same opportunity to make independent and tactical choices in life based on their own personal priorities (Baglari, 2014). Women are important in a variety of disciplines, which include economics, politics, societal problems, sports, education, and entrepreneurship, to name a few. In India's economy, women play a significant role (Bantilan & Padmaja, 2008). Women can only be empowered if they are educated as well as brought to the attention of their rights, and thus priorities their own lives (Mackey & Petrucka, 2021). Only after she has completely eradicated violence from her life can her vision of empowerment become a reality. In order for women to be truly empowered, they must be treated with respect in society (Joseph, 2013). The effect of Information and Communications Technologies (ICT) on women's lives in India will be discussed in this study. Since we all know, having access to ICT can help to promote long-term economic growth and develop the lives of women, who make up a large portion of the global population (Ishaq, 2019a). Technology already appears to exist in a social world, and when it is considered in that context, women's issues become more relevant. This paper will look at how women's empowerment can help them construct their capacity to participate in decision-making in a more effective way in order to overcome social, political, and economic barriers, as well as strengthen their ability to participate in the same processes (Ishaq, 2019b). The current study will also demonstrate that women should not be viewed as passive receivers of information and technology, but rather as creators. Women can learn about new trends, how to use them, as well as how to purchase or create their products/services using new E-commerce trends with help of this trend. Women's knowledge of the political, economic, and social situations around the world can also be enhanced by access to the internet. This article intends to identify the factors that influence women's participation in technology and to address issues related to women's empowerment and technology. In terms of areas of study and academic research level of engagement, women's participation in engineering and economic progress is hampered by partiality (Lechman & Paradowski, 2021). We have to develop support systems as well as a positive mindset toward scientific research as a profession for women if they are to be successful in scientific research. As a result, women's empowerment has now been identified as a key objective in India's development of the system. To accomplish a long-term solution (Kripa & Surendranathan, 2008). In order for every country to achieve, each part of society must be given similar chance to express themselves. Women's empowerment is critical to the country's developmental process. In recent years, Women’s empowerment has indeed been recognized as a key factor in establishing the status of women for so many years (Malhotra, 2015).

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