Women Empowerment Through Social Enterprise

Women Empowerment Through Social Enterprise

Ancia Katjiteo
Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-7107-7.ch005
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This chapter explores the dynamic intersection of women's empowerment and social enterprise as a powerful catalyst for positive societal transformation. As the world grapples with persistent gender disparities, innovative approaches are essential to create opportunities for women to thrive economically, socially, and personally. Social enterprises, with their unique blend of purpose-driven missions and sustainable business models, emerge as a promising avenue to address these challenges. The chapter begins by delving into the theoretical framework of women's empowerment. It then transitions into a review of case studies and real-world examples; the chapter illustrates the transformative impact of social enterprises on women's lives. These enterprises not only provide economic opportunities through skills development, employment, and entrepreneurship but also contribute to the creation of supportive ecosystems that foster self-esteem, leadership, and community engagement.
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In the framework of contemporary discourse, the pursuit of gender equality and the empowerment of women has developed into a global priority in recent years. New approaches are being sought out in order to address the many challenges that women are having to face at a time when nations are fighting to solve gender disparities that have persisted for a long time (Bhoganadam et. al., 2024; Sohail, 2014). To examine the transformative potential of business models that prioritise both social impact and gender inclusion, the goal of this project is to investigate the possible effects of such models. Specifically, the initiative is focused on the intersection between social entrepreneurship and the empowerment of women (Aldabbas et. al., 2024; Tripahy et. al., 2022).

Throughout the course of human history, women have been challenged with challenges that have hindered their capacity to engage in economic activities, get an education, and make choices, so preventing them from achieving complete empowerment (Suminar et. al., 2019; Tripahy et. al., 2022). When it comes to addressing these issues in a comprehensive way, conventional models of development often fall short of expectations. Social enterprises have emerged as dynamic agents of change that are able to question and redefine the norms that are already in place. This is all due to the fact that their dual goals of producing money and having a beneficial effect on society have enabled them to achieve both of these goals simultaneously (Aldabbas et. al., 2024; Stollak et. al., 2023; Suminar et. al., 2019).

In spite of the fact that there has been progress, there are still significant gender disparities in many parts of the globe. Over the course of their lifetimes, women continue to face a wide range of challenges, including limited economic opportunities and institutionalised discrimination (Agrawal et. al., 2023; Aldabbas et. al., 2024; Tripahy et. al., 2022). Despite the fact that social enterprises provide an attractive method to overcoming these challenges, there is an urgent need for a more nuanced understanding of the effect that they have on the empowerment of women. This is because social businesses have the potential to significantly transform the lives of women. Through an investigation of the connection that exists between social entrepreneurship and the empowerment of women, the objective of this study is to make a contribution to the successful closure of this gap (Aldabbas et. al., 2024; Tripahy et. al., 2022; Stollak et al., 2023; Suminar et. al., 2019).


Objectives Of The Study

The primary objective of this research is to comprehensively examine the impact of social enterprises on women's empowerment. Specific goals include:

  • Investigating the economic empowerment of women engaged in social enterprises.

  • Evaluating the social impact of women-led social enterprises on communities.

  • Assessing the psychological empowerment experienced by women participating in social entrepreneurship.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Case Studies: Detailed and in-depth analysis of a specific instance or example

Economic Empowerment: The process of enhancing individuals' economic status, including income generation, employment opportunities, and financial independence.

Gender Equality: The equal rights, opportunities, and treatment of individuals regardless of their gender, with a focus on eliminating discrimination and ensuring fairness.

Social Enterprise: A business model that combines profit-making with a primary focus on addressing social or environmental issues, contributing to positive societal impact.

Women Empowerment: The process of enhancing women's ability to make choices, control resources, and influence socio-economic and political outcomes, leading to greater autonomy and well-being.

Psychological Empowerment: The subjective sense of control, self-efficacy, and confidence individuals feel in influencing their own lives and surroundings.

Social Impact: The positive change or contribution a business or initiative makes to society, encompassing aspects such as community development, education, and healthcare.

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