Women Empowerment in India: Are We on the Right Track?

Women Empowerment in India: Are We on the Right Track?

Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 20
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-6118-1.ch015
(Individual Chapters)
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Information and communication technologies (ICTs) have attracted the continued attention of national governments, international bodies, private organizations, civil societies, and NGOs. ICT has the potential to act as an influential method for promoting gender equality and social-economic and political empowerment of women. The chapter describes a number of ICT-backed initiatives in different countries targeted towards various concerns of women such as health, education, violence, governance, income, etc. It demonstrates the ability of ICT for empowering women especially those belonging to the marginalized group. This chapter examines the key challenges including technical, social, and economic to the usage of ICT for women's development as well as suggests initiatives for initiatives for national governments, policy makers, and organizations focusing on the issue of women empowerment.
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Backdrop Of The Study

In the recent times access and use of ICT adds to the gender disparity discourse. On the other hand, ICT has been also been presented as having the potential to promote gender equality. There is increasing evidence in various interventions and research of the possibilities ICT’s can offer for women to enhance their earnings, accumulate resources from private and public domains and better their lives along with their families. Before we examine the various interventions and literature on ICT for women empowerment, it is important to appreciate what constitutes ICT.

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