What Would Cloud Computing Learn from Quantum Mechanics

What Would Cloud Computing Learn from Quantum Mechanics

Nilo Serpa
Copyright: © 2014 |Pages: 17
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-4666-5202-6.ch243
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This theoretical article studies the bearings of cloud computing under the impact of quantum mechanics in the field of information processing, considering quantum entanglement as an essential physical resource to deploy intelligent behavior in server clouds. It proposes a “beehive” model of cloud after the introduction of the concept of spontaneous quantum entanglement in Service-Oriented Architectures (SOA). Also it proposes a way to represent the creation of entangled states of information, introducing the concept of progenitor.
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We still do not know the “physical reasons” responsible for the Hilbert-space structure of quantum mechanics. Therefore, deriving quantum mechanics from a reduced set of primitives or axioms with a clear physical content remains an open problem for the foundations of physics.(Adán Cabello, 2005)

The number of applications, systems and repositories that cohabit a corporate environment has grown at a rate never seen before. However, the fragmentation of information that usually follows this growth brings a lot of drawbacks, such as redundancies, inconsistencies, interoperability constraints and maintenance problems. In several occasions, systems are developed in response to specific requirements of certain sectors, whose managers take actions having absolute control on their areas without any concerns to an inclusive and democratic management that enables global organizational progress and compliance.

On one hand, the heterogeneity of computing environments is actually quite common in Brazil and other countries, especially in the public area, creating barriers to strategic planning and governance in general. The reasons for that surpass the usual scarcity of resources coming to the lack of specialized technical people, the lack of political will of the leaders and the lack of business strategic vision. On the other hand, technology speeds the improvement of business processes in a progression whose limits are difficult to predict. The degree of autonomy and intelligence of the systems to which it is possible to reach is an exciting matter and, at the same time, scary and inevitable.

This paper comments the convergence between SOA and cloud computing, discussing the future of these technologies with the birth of quantum computing. I intend to explain how cloud computing can work in a kind of beehive effect based on quantum entanglement of the states of information of quantum servers.



The Concept of Service

A glance over the literature that deals with the concept of service is sufficient to see no consensus on this notion. In non-academic literature, for instance, the term “service” appears in a very unusual way as in Sonera (2002), which associates services and XML Web Services within a context of marketing without any technical motivation. In most cases, it was associated with “service” an entry that merely references a software component established on a contract (Bieber & Carpenter, 2001). For another perspective, the academic literature is faintly alluding to the term “service” replacing it in most cases by “component” or “contract”. From my point of view, services are cybernetic replicas of human practices, being evoked by well-established environmental motivations.

SOA is an architecture that integrates in a standard manner several service units, each of them sending their features as sets of tasks over the network. Only service interfaces are exposed to consumers as exported methods (Nakamura et al., 2004). Therefore, when services are requested, SOA seeks the best responses to those environmental motivations according to the internal logic of each service. In particular, this architecture is now strongly linked to the theme of “enterprise application integration” (EAI) in contexts where legacy applications already established are performed on different platforms.

The literature on SOA comprises several milestone contributions as the works of Nakamura et al. (2004), Erl (2005), Anderson & Ciruli (2006), Natis (2007), Sha (2007) and, markedly, Frenken et al. (2008) about device-level service deployment. On this latter subject, it is noteworthy that, in the process of architectural development, devices which access legacy applications are created and interact using a protocol defined by the system. In turn, the system returns the aggregated information from the various legacy applications, preferably without any additional code. The architectural development also takes care of the service interface, prescribing the information required to access the competences of that. It is worth remembering that the existence of interfaces and descriptions of accessibility is sine qua non for the implementation of SOA.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Quantum Teleportation: The long distance replication of a quantum state.

Quantum Machine: A computer whose general operation follows the laws of quantum mechanics.

Cloud Computing: A model of computation by which IT resources are randomly dispersed in the network, being offered as services.

Quantum Bit (or Qubit): The quantum tile of information that can assume both states 0 and 1 at the same time.

Progenitor: The gate generator of a two-qubit system which under the action of a control gate creates a pair of entangled states.

Beehive Effect: The supposed global — and even intelligent — behavior of a cloud of servers acting under quantum principles.

SOA (Service Oriented Architecture): A computational architecture for the provision of services as packages of specific tasks over the network.

Quantum Entanglement: The matting of quantum states to which decomposition does not hold.

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