Weaving Identities: An Autoethnographic Narrative of the Aeta Community in Zambales

Weaving Identities: An Autoethnographic Narrative of the Aeta Community in Zambales

Copyright: © 2024 |Pages: 24
DOI: 10.4018/979-8-3693-4005-9.ch017
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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The Aeta people are considered one of the earliest inhabitants of the Philippines, with a history that predates the arrival of other ethnic groups in the archipelago. They have maintained their distinct cultural identity despite centuries of external influences This approach is particularly valuable for studying identities within the Aeta community, as it allows the researcher to actively engage with the culture, fostering a more intimate and nuanced exploration. Here, we outline the key components of the methodological approach. Consider co-creating knowledge with the community rather than studying them as subjects.These recommendations aim to broaden the scope of your research and contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of the Aeta community in Zambales. Always ensure that your research approach is respectful, inclusive, and aligned with the community's interests and well-being.
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