Vocational Training Course Preferences Among Sikkimese Youth

Vocational Training Course Preferences Among Sikkimese Youth

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-8613-9.ch020
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Unemployment is one of the major issues in modern times. High unemployment rates affect a country's economic growth, mental wellbeing of an individual and his/her family members, and create unrest in society. Vocational training is one of the most crucial elements in the competitive and developing world. Through the provision of real-world experience, vocational training aids in developing skills. This study aims to highlight the aspirations of the people of Sikkim concerning vocational training and find its challenges and hindrances. With the help of a structured questionnaire, responses were taken from the youth of Sikkim, India and their perception about opting for different vocational training courses were taken. Upon analyzing the data, it was found that males are more inclined towards cooking and baking classes, repair of mobiles, laptops and other electronic accessories, and repair of bikes and automobiles. Females, on the other hand, wanted to focus on makeup and beautician courses, jewelry design, floriculture, and towards repair of mobile and computers.
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Unemployment may be a dreadful and straining existence experience. Financial pressure on the unemployed and his/her family members pesters on the options where their next day's pay will come from. Painful transitions include watching one’s bank account shrink, selling household items, jewellery, or moving to a significantly less expensive neighbourhood. Even if the unemployed person finds a new job, it can pay considerably less than the old one. Many people view their work as a crucial component of their self-worth. While unemployment removes people from the workforce, day-to-day stress has an impact on a person's family ties, as well as their physical and emotional health (Amiri, 2022; Bartelink et al., 2020; Clark & Lepinteur, 2019; Rözer et al., 2020).

An individual who is unemployed, capable of working, available to work, and actively looking for work must be at least 16 years old. It implies that everyone looking for or applying for jobs is now unemployed. The phrase “anyone unemployed” is not included in this precise and comprehensive definition of unemployment. Employees, or a tiny percentage of those who are able and willing to work, are employed and unemployed. It excludes employees who do not actively seek employment, such as stay-at-home mothers, college students, depressed workers, and people who have given up seeking employment because they feel there are no available positions (Furman, 2016; Sherman, 2009). When we read all of this with an open mind, we must see that young unemployment is a significant problem for an economy like India, which is characterized by a rapidly expanding youth population. When people want to work but cannot find a job, it causes unemployment. It reduces economic output, yet people still need to eat. While meager unemployment rates may be a symptom of an overheated economy, high unemployment rates indicate economic distress (Deuchar & Dyson, 2020; Jamatia & Gurumoorthy, 2023; Kaur, 2019; Sahoo & Sahoo, 2019). There are different types of unemployment, including institutional, structural, cyclical, and frictional (Chotchaeva & others, 2019; Geryugova, 2019). Numerous economists have conducted studies to illuminate this issue and uncover answers (Nwokike & Ezenwafor, 2021).

Vocational training is one of the most crucial elements in the competitive and developing world. Through the provision of real-world experience, vocational training aids in developing skills. It is the training where the students have been receiving hands-on learning in the field of their interest (Blustein et al., 2019; Lund & Karlsen, 2020; Mahmut, 2020). These days, students after the 10th can choose various short-term vocational training courses. The government and private institutions in India offer multiple courses. Students can apply many types of vocational training to benefit from different resources like high school carrier, technical education programs, tech-prep education programs, post-secondary vocational schools, apprenticeship programs, standalone courses, and Military Training (Gessler et al., 2021; Ramasamy, 2020; Ramasamy & Pilz, 2020a). The skill done in vocational training is carpentry, plumbing, electrical work, automobile service, beautician, soft toy making, etc. There is not any age group for vocational training. Some job prospects are possible after VET, i.e., Car mechanical, car electrician, firefighter, vocational nurse, medical technician, dental assistant, Pharmacy technical, chef, caterer, food service, manager, etc. (R. Kumar et al., 2019; Pilz & Regel, 2021). In India, there are several Vocational Training companies or institutes.

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