Visual Blockchain for Intelligent Surveillance in a Smart City

Visual Blockchain for Intelligent Surveillance in a Smart City

Kasun Moolika Gedara, Minh Nguyen, Wei Qi Yan
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-9274-8.ch012
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Visual blockchain takes the idea of how to output accurate intelligent surveillance data by using computational methods in a smart city. Intelligent surveillance provides location-based visualization from different cameras which are deployed in the smart city. It may result in limited tamper-resistance of the gathered data from cameras. The decentralized nature of blockchain is to integrate video frames as data output by surveillance systems over the smart city by the way of selecting the most appropriate cryptographical algorithms using blockchain prototype to create sustainable computation method of visual blockchain and make reliable solutions for the existing solutions. In this chapter, the contributions are to enrich the blockchain security shield by using the most appropriate cryptographic algorithm to achieve each unique task and create a web-based image prototype through the visual blockchain to minimize the gaps in intelligent surveillance.
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Modern society has been dramatically updated in every aspect of human beings. People are incentive to imagine these sophisticated and complicated technologies, which are crucial to the development of this community, bring great convenience for ordinary day-to-day lifestyle. However, with the modern technology, considering its negative and positive aspects is much crucial before the implementation. Therefore, with the presence, its security gets a unique place automatically. In smart cities, the real world depends on sensitive information and its most secure repository.

Blockchain was introduced in 2009 and operated as a distributed network in the large-scale industries (Nakamoto, 2009), such as global trade, insurance, banking, distributed energy, and healthcare, etc. Blockchain is adaptively connected to smart transportation systems, food supplier management, government, identity (Singhal, Dhameja, & Panda, 2018). It has been proven that blockchain has been transplanted as a state-of-the-art technology. Bitcoin (Duong et al., 2018) is a popular currency implemented for blockchain, which makes bitcoins difficult to be phony in the transactions. This bitcoin was operated since 2009 (Taylor, et al. 2020), which has been extended to other high-tech areas such as intelligent surveillance. On the other hand, blockchain has been developed by the smart connector to end the third party between any transactions. With blockchains, transactions or any process could be conducted without involvement of the third party. Moreover, the blockchain is able to resolve the data integrity problem that is related to medical record verification, gas and electricity monitoring system in smart cities.

The idea of “smart city” is an advanced objective of many cities around the world, in response to the expanding complexity of urban areas and the potential of associated intelligent technologies (Pramod & Sankaran, 2019). Whilst considering the surveillance system, it is also important and should be a subject of investigation in modern community at present. However, the special goal of smart cities is to ensure the safety and security of the residents by reducing crimes and accident rates (Khan, Byun, & Park, 2020).

The technology that has been widely applied to address those issues is video surveillance (Gipp, Kosti, & Breitinger, 2016). In this case, the mission is to select suitable cryptographic algorithms to create the blockchain and secure the data communication without tampering (Tian, et al. 2021) as well as resist any types of attacks. The kind of video surveillance designs are able to resist crimes, anomalous event detection, privacy policy breaching and many. Therefore, the recorded video footages are most important for a pretty rich assortment of purposes. But, malicious attackers, knowledgeable hackers, or other unauthorized third parties can manipulate the cameras and video repositories illegally and create unreal directions to make them useless in the events of crimes (Khan et al., 2020). These types of attacks are happened potentially against the loyalty of stored data captured in intelligent surveillance.

Moreover, blockchains take the place in the tamper resistance of the saved data, the nature of decentralized chain was employed to data verification and data integrity (Fattahi, Makanju, & Fard, 2020). Hashing is one of the reliable ways that take advantage of creating the trust between each and every block in the chain.

Furthermore, cryptographic Hash function is an algorithm that maps arbitrary data to a fixed size string. Usually, Hash functions are required to meet the security requirements of one-witness and collision-resistance. There is no same Hashing value of data in this world. In order to ensure at least 80-bit security, the output length of Hash functions should be at least 160 bits. Hash function in blockchains is SHA256 that is one of the algorithms from a family of cryptographic Hash functions named SHA (Secure Hash Algorithms). Approximately, Hash functions in blockchains achieve proof-of-work (PoW), address generation, block generation (as a part of Merkle-tree paradigm), understand in signatures, pseudorandom number generation, and bridge components (e.g., Fiat-Shamir mechanism, FSM) etc.

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