Virtual Reality Simulation in Human Applied Kinetics and Ergo Physiology

Virtual Reality Simulation in Human Applied Kinetics and Ergo Physiology

Bill Ag. Drougas
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-60566-050-9.ch085
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Virtual reality is today an excellent tool for a full simulated experience in a modern environment where any researcher or any individual scientist may work with vital experimental environments or use parameters that sometimes does not really exist. It is already a vital step for the future of science and for the modern experiment. Ergo physiology today has many applications for research. We can find new unknown parameters for the human body searching biokinetics and ergo physiology, and it is time to use modern technologies and applications. The vital issues discussed in this chapter may offer many applications for human kinetics and movement and may also discuss biokinetics research using the physical laws and parameters in various biokinetics and physiology fields.

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