Violence, Emotionally Abusive and Controlling Behaviour in Intimate Partner Relationships: The Case of Bindura Urban in Zimbabwe

Violence, Emotionally Abusive and Controlling Behaviour in Intimate Partner Relationships: The Case of Bindura Urban in Zimbabwe

Jeffrey Kurebwa
Copyright: © 2022 |Pages: 14
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-5598-2.ch045
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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This study focused on intimate partner violence (IPV) in relationships in the Bindura urban of Zimbabwe. IPV exert a long-term influence in relationships. One of the most dangerous forms of violence is performed by an intimate partner. People in relationships experience all forms of IPV such as physical, emotional, economic, and sexual. Violence is often perpetrated against an intimate partner as a way of showing systematic patterns of dominance and control. Qualitative methodology was used in this study. Data was collected through key informant interviews, focus group discussions and documentary sources. The research concludes that intimate partner violence impacts survivors' immediate sexual, physical and psychological health and increases the risks of longer-term health problems and social stigma.
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Review Of Literature

There is no single theory that covers all cases of IPV. Theories on the causes of IPV include psychological and social theories. Psychological theories consider personality traits and mental characteristics of the perpetrator while social theories consider external factors in the perpetrator's environment such as the family structure, stress and social learning. There is however, a growing concern around apparent inter-generational cycles of domestic violence (Browman, 2003).

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