Violence Aestheticized in Sports Publications and Broadcasts

Violence Aestheticized in Sports Publications and Broadcasts

Esennur Sirer
Copyright: © 2023 |Pages: 18
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-6684-7464-8.ch040
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The most important thing that human beings enjoy doing is playing games. Maybe the game culture, which is an activity as old as human history, has been going on for centuries. Another activity that has been going on for centuries is the sports shows that are aestheticized. Especially football matches, which are loved and liked by large masses, take the individual away from the stress of daily life and experience some kind of catharsis due to the pleasure obtained while watching or watching by nature. Football matches returning to the mass purification field can also be a charging area of violence. In order to keep this field alive, all actors of football support violence, knowingly or not. Football player, manager, referee, audience, and media are the leading actors. In particular, it offers sports shows and aesthetics on the field to increase the number of television viewers.
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Contrary to Ivan Illich's idea that the vehicle would create a human festive society when used for human benefit, Guy Debord described the show age as nonfestive’ (1996: p.87). Entertainment and festivity is one of the discharge areas that have attracted the attention of communities since the early ages. In this sense, sports performances have attracted attention since the early ages and became one of the popular entertainment venues. The origin of the word sports comes from the Latin words, Desportare and İsportus” (having fun, having fun, lingering around). XI.century, from French to English and “Sport” (entertaining, time killing, distraction, hobby) began to be used in the form (Voigt, 1998: 86).

Sporting games have been seen as the indispensable entertainment of their societies since ancient times. In gladiator fights during the Roman period, sports were presented to the audience in the form of violent games. In order to make the shows more exciting, the fighters were prepared for these encounters for days, in the “gladiator schools” established for this, the strong, durable slaves would sweat for this entertainment for days only. The best in the gladiator show was also the strongest warrior in the eyes of society. The games and demonstrations have been carried on as part of life since Rome and have led the lives of societies. When the game is traced in the historical process, it is seen that there are games in different ways and organized social life in all communities and tribes. For societies, games express the way of interpreting life and the world.

Who can deny that ideas of competition, challenge and danger are very close to the concept of play? Play and danger, random luck, bold action; all these concepts are intertwined. It can be concluded as follows: The word ‘Plegen’, with all its derivatives - whether they carry lines related to the game or the task - is included in the area where something is played. This leads us to the relationship of the game to competition and collision in general (Huizinga, 2018: pp. 67-68).

The first thing that comes to mind when it comes to sports shows is the ‘Olympic Games’. According to the oldest written documents and records kept at the beginning of the year BC. 776 (TMOK, 2019). However, the unknown history of the games dates back to much older. Studies on football in the BC. He documents that he went back to the Han Dynasty in China in the 2000’s (Football Economy & Industrial Football, 2019). According to the information in the related books of Chinese history; “cuju”, which means ball pushed by foot, is the first “football” played in the world. B.C. The “cuju dance” is mentioned on the turtle shells of ‘Shang period’ between the 16th and 11th centuries. 'Foot ball' BC. 206 and M.S. He entered the palace during the ‘Han Dynas’ between the years 220. Emperors and viziers were among those who pursued the ball made of leather and filled with feathers during this period. In these years, football was also used in military training (

Spore; It continued to be an entertaining show where collective sports were held until the city life and industrialization process. However, with the industrial revolution and mechanization, it has been able to serve a whole range of purposes, from amateurism to professional work. In this period, sports, social movement style was learned (Kellner, 2010: p. 35) was highlighted because it is the area of ​​professional sports organized over the years for the audience. Many sports branches are organized and regulated. Now the three components of the sport have been formed: those who organize the show and benefit from it, those who perform the show and those who watch it.

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