V2G Pilot Projects: Review and Lessons Learnt

V2G Pilot Projects: Review and Lessons Learnt

Sanchari Deb, Essam A. Al Ammar,, Hasan AlRajhi, Ibrahin Alsaidan, Samir M. Shariff
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-6858-3.ch014
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Electric vehicles (EVs) are not only a viable energy efficient mode of transport, but they have considerable capacity of providing flexible and quick responding storage alternative based on vehicle-to-grid (V2G) scheme. V2G technology facilitates bidirectional flow of energy to and from the vehicle by a power converter. However, there is skepticism regarding the economic profitability of the V2G scheme. Despite the aforementioned challenges, the V2G technology is explored in matured markets. A number of V2G pilot projects across the world have investigated different aspects of V2G integration such as technological readiness, economic feasibility, social benefits, and challenges of V2G. This work aims to review the existing pilot projects on V2G functionality.
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2. V2g Technology

V2G technology facilitates bidirectional flow of energy to and from the vehicle by a power converter (Tomic& Kempton 2007). This novel technology is developed at University of Delaware by the research group of Professor Kempton (Kempton et al. 2013; Shinzaki et al. 2015). The architecture used for V2G technology at University of Delaware is as shown in Fig. 1.

Figure 1.

Architecture of V2G technology used at University of Delaware


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