UWDBCSN Analysis During Node Replication Attack in WSN

UWDBCSN Analysis During Node Replication Attack in WSN

Harpreet Kaur, Sharad Saxena
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-5152-2.ch011
(Individual Chapters)
List Price: $37.50
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Wireless sensor network is an emerging area in which multiple sensor nodes are present to perform many real-time applications like military application, industrialized automation, health monitoring, weather forecast, etc. Sensor nodes can be organized into a group which is led by a cluster head; this concept is known as clustering. Clustering of wireless sensor network is used when sensor nodes want to communicate simultaneously in a single network. The author organizes the sensor nodes by applying UWDBCSN (underwater density-based clustering sensor network) clustering approach in which routing of the packets is controlled by cluster head. The author also considers the security of sensor nodes which are harmful to different types of mischievous attacks like wormhole attack, denial of service attack, replication or cloning attack, blackhole attack, etc. Node replication is one of the types in which an attacker tries to capture the node and generate the replica or clone of that node in the same network. So, this chapter describes how to deal with these types of attacks. The author used the intrusion detection process to deal with this type of attack. All the detection procedure is combined with sleep/wake scheduling algorithm to increase the performance of sensor nodes in the network.
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Wireless sensor networks include the large number of multiple sensor nodes which are used for monitoring purposes such as elementary monitoring, forecast monitoring, early earthquake detection, military application etc. The sensor nodes are grouped together to perform the multiple tasks simultaneously which is monitored by a head selected by clusters of nodes in the network. The selection of cluster head is done by the sensor nodes and this overall concept of sending the data through cluster head is known as Clustering (Boyinbode, Le, Mbogho, Takizawa, & Poliah, 2010). Clustering is important when the multiple sensor nodes are targeted to perform the single important task. It is energy efficient and less time is used for the packet transmission because the nodes communicate through cluster head. The different clustering algorithm has been proposed like LEACH, LEACH-C, UWDBCSN, LNCA etc. are consider of having same clustering approach but routing mechanisms are different. Figure 1 below shows the clustering of various sensor nodes. The sensor nodes are organized into clusters which tend to perform similar type of tasks like in data mining.

Figure 1.

Clustering in WSN


Attacks on Wireless Sensor Networks

The author discussed about the various types of malicious attacks (Savner & Gupta, 2014) which are responsible for destroying the security of wireless sensor networks such as node replication attack, wormhole attack, jellyfish attack, Sybil attack etc. Security is major important concern because many applications directly or indirectly depend upon sensor network. They are used in everywhere in today’s era. The author considered one of the dangerous types of attacks in which malicious user try to inject the attacking or malicious nodes in order to generate many insider threats. This attack is known as node replication attack. The different types of attacks on wireless sensor network are explained in Figure 2.

Figure 2.

Different types of attacks in WSN

  • Jamming Attack (Li, Koutsopoulos, & Poovendran, 2010): Jamming attack blocks the channel due to which the genuine nodes are unable to access the wireless communication. It is also known as denial of service attack which disrupts the normal functioning of the network and leads to many insider threats.

  • Wormhole Attack (Alajmi, 2014): In wormhole attack, the malicious user creates the fake tunnel in the routing path of the sender and the destination nodes so that the sending node will use the fake tunnel for the immediate packet transmission and redirected them to their malicious network in order to halt the communication.

  • Sybil Attack: In Sybil attack, the malicious attacking nodes possess the different fake identities in the same network and generate the confusion among different genuine nodes in order to increase the network delay.

  • Jellyfish Attack (Kaur, Sarangal, & Nayyar, 2014): In jellyfish attack, the malicious user injects the jellyfish node in the routing path and takes participation in all the communication between sender and receiver node. The jellyfish node appears as a genuine node which will steal the packet information and use in an inefficient way.

  • Routing Attack (Abdelaziz, Nafaa, & Salim, 2013): In routing attack, the malicious adversary tries to route the packets in order to perform various attacks and mislead the normal functioning of the network. This type of attack is proved to be dangerous because they disrupt the network’s activity by introducing the fake routes between the paths of the network.

  • Node Replication Attack (Mishra & Turuk, 2015): Replication is considered to be great threat to the security of wsn. In this attack, an attacker tries to capture the sensor nodes by extracting the credentials of genuine sensor nodes, after capturing the attacker create the clone or replica of the genuine node in the same network in order to pretend that the injected clone is same as that of genuine node (Game & Raut, 2014). Replicas are very difficult to identify because they appear as legitimitate node in the network. There may be case that attacker targets the multiple sensor nodes by capturing the whole cluster or cluster head and generate the clone or replica of whole cluster (Ho, 2009). Figure 3 below shows the node replication attack in sensor network.

Figure 3.

Node replication attack


Key Terms in this Chapter

End to End Delay: The time a packet will take to reach to the desired destination is called end to end delay.

Packet Delivery Ratio: It defines the ratio of the number of packets sent by the source node and the number of packets received by the destination node.

Energy Consumption: It is the amount of energy consumed during the packets transmission by each node and calculates the overall energy of the whole network.

Node Replication Attack: The dangerous type of attack in which an attacker can harm the functionality of the network by injecting the clone or replica in the network.

Sleep/Wake Scheduling: The algorithm which enhances the performance of the network by increasing the life span of the network.

Ns2 Simulator: The network simulator which is discrete event and tcl scripts are written in OTcl and C++ language.

Clustering Network: A group of sensor nodes in which multiple nodes are grouped together under cluster head which is elected by them.

Intrusion Detection: Intrusion detection is a process of detecting any unnecessary activity in the network.

Network Overhead: The amount of resources used by every sensor node in the network such as bandwidth, energy, memory, time, etc.

Dydog Method: It is the intrusion detection process which detects the multiple attacking nodes in the network with the help of intrusion detection nodes or monitoring nodes.

Throughput: The successful complete delivery of the sent packets by the sender node to the destination node is called throughput.

Sensor: Sensor is the monitoring device which is equipped with every node in the network in order to measure the physical conditions like temperature, pressure, etc.

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