Using ICT for ESL Learning at Primary Schools: Toward an Effective Implementation for Classroom Communication

Using ICT for ESL Learning at Primary Schools: Toward an Effective Implementation for Classroom Communication

DOI: 10.4018/978-1-5225-3223-1.ch002
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This chapter reveals a pragmatic focus on the issue of classroom communication under the affordance of ICT. Placing the specific context for ESL learning at primary schools, the interlink between the five Cs of modern learning theory and three core components technology, theory, and pedagogy in computer-assisted language learning frames critical consideration for three key areas: (1) facilitating exploratory talk, (2) enhancing collaboration in learning, and (3) exchanging communication. Examples are selected to demonstrate the above dimensions and to address teaching with ICT implementation in ESL context. This chapter ends with an evaluation for the effectiveness of ICT implementation in the domain of teaching implementation for ESL primary learners.
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The following chapter reconsiders Trilling and Hood (1999) presentation on the five Cs of modern learning theory in the technological era: including context, construction, caring, competence, and community. Regarding its application for learners from K-16 in US context, what has been proposed by Trilling and Hood is an ideal theoretical framework to construct the implementation of ICT for ESL learning at primary schools; however, in term of practice, practitioners should also consider the interrelationship among technology, theory, and pedagogy and related factors as proposed by Garrett (2009). Combining both sides of the proposed factors, the outcome for effective implementation of ICT is therefore worth considering for two reasons: first, effective ICT implementation aims to lessen the mismatch between modern theory and practice for ESL learning at primary schools; and second, the available ICT resources play a significant role in determining how teaching activities will be adjusted for primary ESL learners.

The particular foci in this chapter are to review and to discuss the issue of engaging primary ESL learners into classroom communication under the affordance of ICT. It is crucial to elaborate in a further discussion on this issue, because, so far, very limited literature in the domain of ICT has directed the issue of classroom communication in the context of ESL learning at primary schools. For instance, a review from Levy (2009) on the descriptions of technologies in use for second language learning represented a number of updated technologies applied in the teaching language skills; the introduced technologies, nevertheless, were suitable for more proficient language learners who should be advanced in both language and ICT skills. Another major review of Golonka, Bowles, Frank, Richardson, & Freynik (2014) related to the implementation of technology in classroom with specific focus on foreign language learning considerably addressed the literature on effectiveness of teaching practices by comparing the traditional methods with the use of newer technologies. Although Golonka et al. (2014) did not clearly specify student and institution level, ESL at higher education can be inferred to be the context where the empirical supports were based. The reviewed case studies from Levy (2009) and Golonka et al. (2014), however, did not clearly mention the sort of theory and methodology to be a theoretical background for further explanation; and more importantly, they lacked discussion on how exchanges of information and communication took place within these case studies. Levy (2009) and Golonka et al. (2014) reviews altogether raise a concern to extend the review on a micro-structured focus on classroom communication for the purpose of reflecting and proposing components to evaluate the effectiveness of implementing ICT from a communicative and interactional perspective.

To facilitate the discussion on effective ICT implementation for classroom communication in ESL learning at primary schools, this paper refers to Trilling and Hood (1999) and Garrett (2009) as the theoretical bases to integrate necessary elements in structuralizing how ICT should be defined in ESL learning at primary schools. The paper is constructed in three main sections as follows. First, the author leads a discussion on the interrelationship between ICT and in the context of ESL learning in view of theoretical considerations. Second, considering primary ESL learners at the center of ICT implementation, pedagogical and technological issues relating to ESL learning are subsequently demonstrated through a review on examples directing at teaching practices with ICT implementation at primary schools. The chapter ends with further thought in relation to Garrett’s (2009) interrelationship among technology, theory, and pedagogy for the quest of effectiveness as the practical assessment for ICT implementation in developing primary ESL classroom communication.

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