Using Dr. Scratch as a Formative Feedback Tool to Assess Computational Thinking

Using Dr. Scratch as a Formative Feedback Tool to Assess Computational Thinking

Peter Rich, Samuel Frank Browning
DOI: 10.4018/978-1-7998-1479-5.ch012
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This study investigated if using Dr. Scratch as a formative feedback tool would accelerate students' Computational Thinking (CT). Forty-one 4th-6th grade students participated in a 1-hour/week Scratch workshop for nine weeks. We measured pre- and posttest results of the computational thinking test (CTt) between control (n = 18) and treatment groups (n = 23) using three methods: propensity score matching (treatment = .575; control = .607; p = .696), information maximum likelihood technique (treatment effect = -.09; p = .006), and multiple linear regression. Both groups demonstrated significantly increased posttest scores over their pretest (treatment = +8.31%; control = +5.43%), showing that learning to code can increase computational thinking over a 2-month period. In this chapter, we discuss the implications of using Dr. Scratch as a formative feedback tool the possibilities of further research on the use of automatic feedback tools in teaching elementary computational thinking.
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School systems around the world have been adopting and even requiring that computer science (CS) or computational thinking (CT) become part of their curriculum. In Europe, coding integration in the curriculum has seen a large adoption rate, “at the national, regional or local level” (Balanskat & Engelhardt, 2015, p. 9), including 16 countries with two more having plans to integrate coding into their core curriculum by 2020. CT and the fundamentals of coding are also starting to be introduced in K–12 schools throughout the United States (Rich, Bly, & Leatham, 2014; Elahi, 2016; Grover & Pea, 2013; K–12 Computer Science Framework, 2016; Repenning, Webb, & Ioannidou, 2010; Smith, 2016). With so many schools adopting coding at earlier ages, there is a need to better understand more and less effective methods to assess the computational ability of younger students.

While assessment in itself is important to measure progress and goal attainment, formative assessment can be used by learners themselves to measure the growth of their own CT ability over time and across projects. Educational research has demonstrated that feedback is an important and effective learning intervention. According to Hattie (2015), performance feedback measures are one of the most effective forms of intervention. Hattie’s research data is pulled from nearly 1200 meta-analyses and his list has grown to 195 influencers on student achievement. Feedback consistently ranks highly significant in Hattie’s meta analyses, currently ranking 15th largest in effect size on student achievement (ES = 0.73; Hattie, 2015; Visible Learning, 2016).

Feedback may be defined as: “the means by which the learner, or any other agent directing the learning process, ascertains whether or not progress is being made toward the end goal, and whether or not the goal has been reached” (Weibell, 2011, p. 361). The goal in measuring progress and providing feedback in CT can be looked at in two ways: (a) the completion of or progress toward solving the problem to which computational thinking processes are applied, or (b) the ability of the student/learner to apply CT processes correctly to any given task/problem. Feedback towards the goal of solving the problem can be given by teachers and peers, or even by the way the learner’s program interacts with the problem (e.g., student’s program does not solve or partially solves the given problem). Feedback towards the goal of applying CT processes correctly would most likely require a way to understand how the learner was thinking during the creation process. One way to do this would be to analyze the artifact(s) a student/learner creates and what CT processes would have been needed to create those artifacts.

Key Terms in this Chapter

Dr. Scratch: An online tool for evaluating the effectiveness of individual Scratch projects in terms of the computational thinking evident in the project.

Computational Thinking test (CTt): A 28-item test developed to measure the computational thinking ability of upper elementary/primary and lower secondary students.

Abstraction: A generalized representation of the structure of an idea.

Data Representation: A visual representation of the information contained in or generated by a computational program.

Computational Thinking: The thought processes involved in expressing solutions as computational steps or algorithms that can be carried out by a computer.

Formative Feedback: The process of providing information to the learner on their current performance so that they might modify their performance toward the goal of a final performance.

Scratch: A block-based programming environment created to help young children learn to code (i.e., program).

Flow Control: In coding, the process of indicating what to do next within one’s code (e.g., if/then blocks, loops).

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